program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc MAIN is the main program for SPARSEKIT_PRB04. c c test suite for the unary routines. c tests some of the routines in the module unary. Still needs to tests c many other routines. c integer nxmax parameter ( nxmax = 10 ) integer nmx parameter ( nmx = nxmax * nxmax ) integer nnzmax parameter ( nnzmax = 10 * nmx ) integer ndns parameter ( ndns = 20 ) double precision a(nnzmax) double precision a1(nnzmax) double precision dns(ndns,ndns) integer i integer ia(nmx+1) integer ia1(nnzmax) integer iwk(nmx*2+1) integer iwork(nnzmax*2) integer ja(nnzmax) integer ja1(nnzmax) integer perm(16) integer qperm(16) double precision stencil(100) data qperm / 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 2, 4, 5, 7, & 10, 12, 13, 15 / call timestamp ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SPARSEKIT_PRB04' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Fortran77 version' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' A set of tests for SPARSEKIT.' c c define correct permutation c do i=1, 16 perm(qperm(i)) = i end do c c dimension of grid c nx = 4 ny = 4 nz = 1 c c generate grid problem. c call gen57pt(nx,ny,nz,a,ja,ia,iwk,stencil) n = nx*ny*nz c c write out the matrix c nnz = ia(n+1)-1 WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' WRITE(*,*) ' +++ initial matrix in CSR format +++ ' WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' call dump ( n, a, ja, ia, 6 ) c c call csrdns c call csrdns(n,n,a,ja,ia,dns,ndns,ierr) c c write it out as a dense matrix. c WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' WRITE(*,*) ' +++ initial matrix in DENSE format+++ ' WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' call dmpdns ( n, n, ndns, dns ) c c red black ordering c job = 1 call dperm (n,a,ja,ia,a1,ja1,ia1,perm,perm,job) nnz = ia(n+1)-1 WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' WRITE(*,*) ' +++ red-black matrix in CSR format +++ ' WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' call dump (n,a1,ja1,ia1,6) c c sort matrix c call csort (n,a1,ja1,ia1,iwork,.true.) nnz = ia(n+1)-1 WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' WRITE(*,*) ' +++ matrix after sorting +++ ' WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' call dump (n,a1,ja1,ia1,6) c c convert into dense format c call csrdns(n, n, a1,ja1,ia1,dns,ndns,ierr) WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' WRITE(*,*) ' +++ red-black matrix in DENSE format+++ ' WRITE(*,*) '-----------------------------------------' call dmpdns(n,n, ndns, dns) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SPARSEKIT_PRB04' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop end subroutine dmpdns ( nrow, ncol, ndns, dns ) c*********************************************************************72 c c this subroutine prints out a dense matrix in a simple format. c the zero elements of the matrix are omitted. The format for the c nonzero elements is f4.1, i.e., very little precision is provided. c c on entry c c nrow = row dimension of matrix c ncol = column dimension of matrix c ndns = first dimension of array dns. c dns = double dimensional array of size n x n containing the matrix c c on return c --------- c matrix will be printed out. c integer ndns double precision dns(ndns,*) character ( len = 80 ) fmt integer i integer j integer j1 integer j2 integer last integer ncol integer nrow c c prints out a dense matrix -- without the zeros. c write ( *, '(4x,16i4)' ) ( j, j = 1, ncol ) fmt(1:5) = ' |' j1 = 6 do j=1, ncol j2 = j1+4 fmt(j1:j2) = '----' j1 = j2 end do last = j1 fmt(last:last) = '|' write ( *, '(a)' ) fmt(1:last) c c undo loop 1 --- c j1 = 6 do j=1,ncol j2 = j1+4 fmt(j1:j2) = ' ' j1 = j2 end do do i=1, nrow j1 = 6 write (fmt,101) i 101 format(1x,i2,' |') do j=1, ncol j2= j1+4 if ( dns(i,j) /= 0.0 ) then write ( fmt(j1:j2), '(f4.1)' ) dns(i,j) 102 format(f4.1) endif j1 = j2 end do fmt(last:last) = '|' write ( *, '(a)' ) fmt(1:last) end do fmt(1:5) = ' |' j1 = 6 do j=1, ncol j2 = j1+4 fmt(j1:j2) = '----' j1 = j2 end do fmt(last:last) = '|' write ( *, '(a)' ) fmt(1:last) return end function afun ( x, y, z ) c*********************************************************************72 c double precision afun, x,y, z afun = -1.0D+00 return end function bfun (x,y,z) c*********************************************************************72 c double precision bfun, x,y, z bfun = -1.0D+00 return end function cfun (x,y,z) c*********************************************************************72 c double precision cfun, x,y, z cfun = -1.0D+00 return end function dfun (x,y,z) c*********************************************************************72 c double precision dfun, x,y, z data gamma /100.0D+00/ dfun = 10.0D+00 return end function efun (x,y,z) c*********************************************************************72 c double precision efun, x,y, z data gamma /100.0D+00/ efun = 0.0D+00 return end function ffun (x,y,z) c*********************************************************************72 c double precision ffun double precision x double precision y double precision z ffun = 0.0D+00 return end function gfun (x,y,z) c*********************************************************************72 c double precision gfun, x,y, z gfun = 0.0D+00 return end subroutine afunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) c*********************************************************************72 c implicit none double precision coeff(100) integer i integer j integer nfree double precision x double precision y double precision z do j=1, nfree do i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0 end do coeff((j-1)*nfree+j) = -1.0 end do return end subroutine bfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) c*********************************************************************72 c implicit none double precision coeff(100) integer i integer j integer nfree double precision x double precision y double precision z do j=1, nfree do i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0 end do coeff((j-1)*nfree+j) = -1.0 end do return end subroutine cfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) c*********************************************************************72 c implicit none double precision coeff(100) integer i integer j integer nfree double precision x double precision y double precision z do j=1, nfree do i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0 end do coeff((j-1)*nfree+j) = -1.0 end do return end subroutine dfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) c*********************************************************************72 c implicit none double precision coeff(100) integer i integer j integer nfree double precision x double precision y double precision z do j=1, nfree do i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 10.0 end do end do return end subroutine efunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) c*********************************************************************72 c implicit none double precision coeff(100) integer i integer j integer nfree double precision x double precision y double precision z do j=1, nfree do i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0 end do end do return end subroutine ffunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) c*********************************************************************72 c implicit none double precision coeff(100) integer i integer j integer nfree double precision x double precision y double precision z do j=1, nfree do i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0 end do end do return end subroutine gfunbl (nfree,x,y,z,coeff) c*********************************************************************72 c implicit none double precision coeff(100) integer i integer j integer nfree double precision x double precision y double precision z do j=1, nfree do i=1, nfree coeff((j-1)*nfree+i) = 0.0 end do end do return end