7 November 2023 9:24:47.771 AM quadrature_weights_vandermonde_test(): FORTRAN77 version Test quadrature_weights_vandermonde(). TEST01: Use the Vandermonde procedure to compute the quadrature weights for a Newton-Cotes rule. Order N = 5 Interval = [ 0.0000, 1.0000] Abscissas: 1: 0.0000000 2: 0.25000000 3: 0.50000000 4: 0.75000000 5: 1.0000000 Matrix: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1: 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2: 0.00000 0.250000 0.500000 0.750000 1.00000 3: 0.00000 0.625000E-01 0.250000 0.562500 1.00000 4: 0.00000 0.156250E-01 0.125000 0.421875 1.00000 5: 0.00000 0.390625E-02 0.625000E-01 0.316406 1.00000 Right hand side: 1: 1.0000000 2: 0.50000000 3: 0.33333333 4: 0.25000000 5: 0.20000000 Weights: 1: 0.77777778E-01 2: 0.35555556 3: 0.13333333 4: 0.35555556 5: 0.77777778E-01 TEST02 Use the Vandermonde procedure to compute the quadrature weights for a Clenshaw-Curtis rule. Order N = 5 Interval is [ -1.0000, 1.0000] Abscissas: 1: -1.0000000 2: -0.70710678 3: 0.55511151E-16 4: 0.70710678 5: 1.0000000 Matrix: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1: 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2: -1.00000 -0.707107 0.555112E-16 0.707107 1.00000 3: 1.00000 0.500000 0.308149E-32 0.500000 1.00000 4: -1.00000 -0.353553 0.171057E-48 0.353553 1.00000 5: 1.00000 0.250000 0.949557E-65 0.250000 1.00000 Right hand side: 1: 2.0000000 2: 0.0000000 3: 0.66666667 4: 0.0000000 5: 0.40000000 Weights: 1: 0.66666667E-01 2: 0.53333333 3: 0.80000000 4: 0.53333333 5: 0.66666667E-01 quadrature_weights_vandermonde_test(): Normal end of execution. 7 November 2023 9:24:47.771 AM