25 October 2023 10:22:59.325 AM buffon_mpi(): Master process: FORTRAN77 version An MPI example program to estimate PI in the Buffon-Laplace needle experiment. On a grid of cells of width A and height B, a needle of length L is dropped. We count the number of times it crosses at least one grid line, and use this to estimate the value of PI. The number of processes is 4 Cell width A = 1.000000 Cell height B = 1.000000 Needle length L = 1.000000 0 123456789 0.218418 2 123456989 0.219984 3 123457089 0.220766 1 123456889 0.219201 Trials Hits Estimated PDF Estimated Pi Error 400000 382200 0.955500000000 3.13971742543 0.187522815808E-02 buffon_mpi(): Master process: Normal end of execution. 25 October 2023 10:22:59.343 AM