
linplus_test, a FORTRAN77 code which carries out operations such as matrix-vector products, matrix factorization, linear solvers including Gauss-elimination, Jacobi iteration, Gauss-Seidel iteration, Conjugate Gradient (CG), for matrices in a variety of formats, including banded, border-banded, circulant, lower triangular, pentadiagonal, sparse, symmetric, toeplitz, tridiagonal, upper triangular and vandermonde formats.


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Related Data and Programs:

linplus, a FORTRAN77 code which carries out operations such as matrix-vector products, matrix factorization, linear solvers including Gauss-elimination, Jacobi iteration, Gauss-Seidel iteration, Conjugate Gradient (CG), for matrices in a variety of formats, including banded, border-banded, circulant, lower triangular, pentadiagonal, sparse, symmetric, toeplitz, tridiagonal, upper triangular and vandermonde formats.

Source Code:

Last revised on 20 October 2023.