20231007 094216.312 fftpack5.1_test(): FORTRAN77 version Test fftpack5.1(). TEST01 For complex fast Fourier transforms, 1D, CFFT1I initializes the transform, CFFT1F does a forward transform; CFFT1B does a backward transform. The number of data items is N = 4096 Workspace size LENSAV = 8208 The original data: 1: -0.122847 -0.187108E-01 2: 0.779209 -0.449593 3: 0.386667 0.157388E-01 4: -0.732450 0.531549 5: 0.297286 0.404264 6: 0.289634 -0.752138 7: 0.171588 0.682045 8: 0.564249 0.401782 ........ .............. .............. 4096: 0.278509E-01 0.326458 The FFT coefficients: 1: -0.779194E-03 -0.169766E-02 2: 0.269171E-02 0.171117E-01 3: -0.985017E-03 -0.557189E-02 4: 0.783427E-02 0.472466E-02 5: -0.128650E-01 0.158053E-02 6: 0.131372E-02 0.200234E-01 7: 0.124140E-01 0.197644E-02 8: 0.107536E-02 -0.101186E-02 ........ .............. .............. 4096: -0.611606E-02 0.546467E-02 The retrieved data: 1: -0.122847 -0.187108E-01 2: 0.779209 -0.449593 3: 0.386667 0.157388E-01 4: -0.732450 0.531549 5: 0.297286 0.404264 6: 0.289634 -0.752138 7: 0.171588 0.682045 8: 0.564249 0.401782 ........ .............. .............. 4096: 0.278508E-01 0.326458 TEST02 For complex fast Fourier transforms, 2D, CFFT2I initializes the transform, CFFT2F does a forward transform; CFFT2B does a backward transform. The data is stored in an L by M array, with L = 32 M = 64 Workspace size LENSAV = 211 Part of the original data: Col: 1 2 3 4 Row --- 1 -0.123 -0.187E-01-0.599 -0.535 -0.952 -0.329E-01 0.724 0.229 2 0.779 -0.450 0.319 0.322E-01-0.180 -0.134E-01 0.528 0.310E-01 3 0.387 0.157E-01-0.968 -0.421E-01-0.223 0.749 -0.172 0.136 4 -0.732 0.532 0.807 -0.495 0.458 -0.518E-01 0.620 0.644 5 0.297 0.404 0.802 -0.196 0.864 0.493 -0.574 0.172 Col: 5 Row --- 1 -0.568E-02-0.749 2 -0.400E-01 0.990 3 0.810 0.212 4 -0.847E-01 0.733 5 0.378 0.489 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col: 1 2 3 4 Row --- 1 -0.117E-01 0.704E-02 0.361E-02 0.952E-04-0.193E-01-0.441E-02 0.280E-01 0.525E-02 2 0.155E-01 0.140E-02-0.596E-02 0.615E-02 0.320E-02-0.133E-02 0.990E-02 0.117E-01 3 0.926E-02 0.659E-02 0.139E-01 0.586E-02 0.120E-02-0.142E-02-0.849E-02-0.104E-02 4 0.978E-02 0.587E-02-0.220E-02 0.114E-03-0.399E-03 0.994E-02-0.288E-02 0.786E-02 5 -0.116E-01 0.816E-02-0.604E-02-0.210E-01-0.244E-01 0.487E-02 0.996E-02-0.532E-02 Col: 5 Row --- 1 -0.581E-02-0.437E-02 2 -0.379E-02-0.249E-01 3 0.354E-02-0.919E-02 4 -0.268E-01 0.921E-02 5 -0.143E-02 0.837E-02 Part of the retrieved data: Col: 1 2 3 4 Row --- 1 -0.123 -0.187E-01-0.599 -0.535 -0.952 -0.329E-01 0.724 0.229 2 0.779 -0.450 0.319 0.322E-01-0.180 -0.134E-01 0.528 0.310E-01 3 0.387 0.157E-01-0.968 -0.421E-01-0.223 0.749 -0.172 0.136 4 -0.732 0.532 0.807 -0.495 0.458 -0.518E-01 0.620 0.644 5 0.297 0.404 0.802 -0.196 0.864 0.493 -0.574 0.172 Col: 5 Row --- 1 -0.568E-02-0.749 2 -0.400E-01 0.990 3 0.810 0.212 4 -0.847E-01 0.733 5 0.378 0.489 TEST03 For complex fast Fourier transforms, 1D, multiple CFFTMI initializes the transform, CFFTMF does a forward transform; CFFTMB does a backward transform. The number of sequences is LOT = 6 The length of each sequence is N = 32 Workspace size LENSAV = 73 Part of the original data: Col: 1 2 3 4 Row --- 1 -0.123 -0.187E-01-0.599 -0.535 -0.952 -0.329E-01 0.724 0.229 2 0.779 -0.450 0.319 0.322E-01-0.180 -0.134E-01 0.528 0.310E-01 3 0.387 0.157E-01-0.968 -0.421E-01-0.223 0.749 -0.172 0.136 4 -0.732 0.532 0.807 -0.495 0.458 -0.518E-01 0.620 0.644 5 0.297 0.404 0.802 -0.196 0.864 0.493 -0.574 0.172 Col: 5 Row --- 1 -0.568E-02-0.749 2 -0.400E-01 0.990 3 0.810 0.212 4 -0.847E-01 0.733 5 0.378 0.489 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col: 1 2 3 4 Row --- 1 -0.133 0.349E-01-0.103 0.582E-01-0.567E-01 0.170 0.107 -0.209E-01 2 0.273E-01-0.109 -0.513E-01-0.119 -0.712E-01 0.209E-01 0.751E-01 0.101 3 -0.785E-01-0.728E-01-0.671E-01-0.115 0.525E-01-0.768E-01 0.726E-01 0.318E-02 4 0.127E-02 0.821E-02 0.800E-02 0.736E-01-0.845E-01-0.264E-01 0.978E-01 0.114 5 -0.601E-01-0.134 -0.145 -0.203E-01-0.552E-01-0.110 -0.839E-01 0.765E-01 Col: 5 Row --- 1 0.244E-01 0.171 2 0.224 0.133 3 0.176 0.137 4 -0.146 -0.957E-01 5 -0.420E-01-0.452E-01 Part of the retrieved data: Col: 1 2 3 4 Row --- 1 -0.123 -0.187E-01-0.599 -0.535 -0.952 -0.329E-01 0.724 0.229 2 0.779 -0.450 0.319 0.322E-01-0.180 -0.134E-01 0.528 0.310E-01 3 0.387 0.157E-01-0.968 -0.421E-01-0.223 0.749 -0.172 0.136 4 -0.732 0.532 0.807 -0.495 0.458 -0.518E-01 0.620 0.644 5 0.297 0.404 0.802 -0.196 0.864 0.493 -0.574 0.172 Col: 5 Row --- 1 -0.568E-02-0.749 2 -0.400E-01 0.990 3 0.810 0.212 4 -0.847E-01 0.733 5 0.378 0.489 TEST04 For real fast cosine transforms, 1D, COSQ1I initializes the transform, COSQ1F does a forward transform; COSQ1B does a backward transform. The number of data items is N = 4096 Workspace size LENSAV = 8208 The original data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647463E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625828 The FFT coefficients: 1: 0.628319 2: -0.214452 3: 0.121189 4: -0.865563E-01 5: 0.692414E-01 6: -0.677449E-01 7: 0.460768E-01 8: -0.560361E-01 ........ .............. 4096: 0.290024E-02 The retrieved data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647467E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625827 TEST05 For real fast cosine transforms, 1D, multiple COSQMI initializes the transform, COSQMF does a forward transform; COSQMB does a backward transform. The number of sequences is LOT = 6 The length of each sequence is N = 32 Workspace size LENSAV = 73 Part of the original data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819757 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647486 0.615999 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325764E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160016E-01 0.573577 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611073 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.554079 0.581825 0.632356 0.560119 0.566316 2 -0.157676 -0.178926 -0.772595E-01 -0.237567 -0.199914 3 0.161507 0.222528 0.430641E-01 0.800813E-01 0.201477 4 -0.871489E-01 -0.206338 -0.195369 -0.130487 -0.850273E-01 5 0.607968E-01 0.512716E-01 0.165265E-01 0.317574E-01 -0.438616E-01 Part of the retrieved data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819757 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647485 0.616000 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325764E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160017E-01 0.573576 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611072 TEST06 For real fast cosine transforms, 1D, COST1I initializes the transform, COST1F does a forward transform; COST1B does a backward transform. The number of data items is N = 4096 Workspace size LENSAV = 8208 The original data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647463E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625828 The FFT coefficients: 1: 0.496832 2: -0.821193E-02 3: -0.151971E-03 4: -0.679063E-02 5: 0.103587E-01 6: -0.145759E-01 7: 0.104160E-02 8: -0.147735E-01 ........ .............. 4096: 0.225515E-02 The retrieved data: 1: 0.152058E-01 2: 0.524229 3: 0.809326 4: 0.916706 5: 0.149772 6: 0.649705E-02 7: 0.819018 8: 0.400090 ........ .............. 4096: 0.626056 TEST07 For real fast cosine transforms, 1D, multiple COSTMI initializes the transform, COSTMF does a forward transform; COSTMB does a backward transform. The number of sequences is LOT = 6 The length of each sequence is N = 32 Workspace size LENSAV = 73 Part of the original data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819757 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647486 0.615999 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325764E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160016E-01 0.573577 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611073 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.433520 0.476391 0.460543 0.446714 0.458791 2 0.111741E-01 -0.403864E-01 0.127365 -0.321794E-01 -0.366949E-01 3 0.493878E-01 0.121119 0.123672E-01 -0.477149E-01 0.645466E-01 4 0.216718E-01 -0.444269E-01 -0.124038 -0.345698E-01 0.476763E-01 5 -0.202301E-01 -0.899186E-01 -0.775477E-01 -0.566893E-01 -0.768210E-01 Part of the retrieved data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154427E-01 0.819756 0.644887 0.353591E-01 0.907627 2 0.524056 0.647486 0.616000 0.300493 0.505506 3 0.809300 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325770E-01 4 0.916709 0.606128 0.160024E-01 0.573576 0.511787 5 0.149760 0.195894 0.938864 0.100744 0.611072 TEST08 For real fast Fourier transforms, 1D, RFFT1I initializes the transform, RFFT1F does a forward transform; RFFT1B does a backward transform. The number of data items is N = 4096 Workspace size LENSAV = 4112 The original data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647463E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625828 The FFT coefficients: 1: 0.496789 2: -0.236545E-03 3: -0.500490E-03 4: 0.102749E-01 5: 0.374679E-02 6: 0.938335E-03 7: -0.306165E-02 8: -0.308676E-02 ........ .............. 4096: 0.218023E-02 The retrieved data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647476E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625828 TEST09 For real fast Fourier transforms, 2D, RFFT2I initializes the transform, RFFT2F does a forward transform; RFFT2B does a backward transform. The L by M data is stored in an LDIM by M array, with L = 32 LDIM = 34 M = 64 Workspace size LENSAV = 253 Part of the original data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.289558 0.938865 0.670009 0.989057 2 0.524056 0.606128 0.506925 0.840560 0.826155E-01 3 0.809301 0.195894 0.895098 0.289515 0.519208 4 0.916710 0.397889 0.912458 0.874942 0.320776 5 0.149759 0.316762 0.682392 0.146499 0.284288 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.493520 0.179072E-02 -0.924539E-03 -0.706918E-02 0.234106E-02 2 0.695952E-03 0.843925E-02 0.958181E-03 -0.402839E-02 0.371127E-02 3 0.215250E-02 -0.119762E-02 -0.371299E-02 0.964164E-02 -0.145895E-02 4 -0.456386E-02 -0.421337E-02 -0.522234E-03 -0.366154E-02 -0.334044E-03 5 -0.605849E-02 0.152034E-02 -0.697590E-02 -0.493230E-02 -0.269114E-02 Part of the retrieved data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.289558 0.938865 0.670009 0.989057 2 0.524056 0.606128 0.506925 0.840560 0.826156E-01 3 0.809301 0.195894 0.895098 0.289515 0.519208 4 0.916710 0.397889 0.912458 0.874942 0.320776 5 0.149759 0.316762 0.682392 0.146499 0.284288 TEST10 For real fast Fourier transforms, 1D, multiple RFFTMI initializes the transform, RFFTMF does a forward transform; RFFTMB does a backward transform. The number of sequences is LOT = 6 The length of each sequence is N = 32 Workspace size LENSAV = 41 Part of the original data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819757 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647486 0.615999 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325764E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160016E-01 0.573577 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611073 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.432976 0.481375 0.458128 0.438682 0.465870 2 0.449657E-01 0.121036 0.213464E-01 -0.639088E-01 0.698868E-01 3 -0.705120E-02 -0.386068E-01 0.162617 -0.637046E-02 -0.537158E-01 4 -0.227500E-01 -0.975671E-01 -0.898767E-01 -0.751189E-01 -0.466340E-01 5 0.102067E-01 -0.736704E-01 -0.379095E-01 -0.266392E-01 0.746719E-01 Part of the retrieved data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819756 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647485 0.615999 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325765E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160016E-01 0.573577 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611073 TEST11 For real fast sine transforms, 1D, SINQ1I initializes the transform, SINQ1F does a forward transform; SINQ1B does a backward transform. The number of data items is N = 4096 Workspace size LENSAV = 8208 The original data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647463E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625828 The FFT coefficients: 1: 0.636445 2: 0.205950 3: 0.128162 4: 0.816693E-01 5: 0.849940E-01 6: 0.512879E-01 7: 0.564640E-01 8: 0.341277E-01 ........ .............. 4096: 0.170207E-02 The retrieved data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647461E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625828 TEST12 For real fast sine transforms, 1D, multiple SINQMI initializes the transform, SINQMF does a forward transform; SINQMB does a backward transform. The number of sequences is LOT = 6 The length of each sequence is N = 32 Workspace size LENSAV = 73 Part of the original data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819757 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647486 0.615999 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325764E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160016E-01 0.573577 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611073 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.542828 0.613997 0.541278 0.587242 0.593326 2 0.166503 0.118491 0.311751 0.194124 0.134563 3 0.141454 0.225297 0.233000 0.909497E-01 0.146886 4 0.112766 0.948606E-01 0.480827E-01 0.604473E-01 0.170748 5 0.399389E-01 -0.478320E-01 -0.776554E-03 -0.136147E-02 0.497461E-01 Part of the retrieved data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819756 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647485 0.615999 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325764E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160016E-01 0.573577 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611072 TEST13 For real fast sine transforms, 1D, SINT1I initializes the transform, SINT1F does a forward transform; SINT1B does a backward transform. The number of data items is N = 4096 Workspace size LENSAV = 6160 The original data: 1: 0.154414E-01 2: 0.524056 3: 0.809301 4: 0.916710 5: 0.149759 6: 0.647463E-02 7: 0.819028 8: 0.400086 ........ .............. 4096: 0.625828 The FFT coefficients: 1: 0.631740 2: -0.506622E-03 3: 0.204994 4: 0.374569E-02 5: 0.133363 6: -0.308917E-02 7: 0.949926E-01 8: -0.887184E-02 ........ .............. 4096: 0.837185E-04 The retrieved data: 1: 0.180142E-01 2: 0.524144 3: 0.810348 4: 0.916666 5: 0.150396 6: 0.647512E-02 7: 0.819470 8: 0.400034 ........ .............. 4096: 0.628218 TEST14 For real fast sine transforms, 1D, multiple SINTMI initializes the transform, SINTMF does a forward transform; SINTMB does a backward transform. The number of sequences is LOT = 6 The length of each sequence is N = 32 Workspace size LENSAV = 57 Part of the original data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154414E-01 0.819757 0.644887 0.353603E-01 0.907628 2 0.524056 0.647486 0.615999 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325764E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160016E-01 0.573577 0.511787 5 0.149759 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611073 Part of the FFT coefficients: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.535771 0.566881 0.587510 0.590318 0.564129 2 -0.352925E-02 -0.271148E-01 0.160491 -0.154556E-01 -0.438414E-01 3 0.232019 0.327303 0.237239 0.175305 0.269578 4 0.455154E-02 -0.826640E-01 -0.586933E-01 -0.426873E-01 0.609585E-01 5 0.991900E-01 0.496054E-01 0.679210E-01 0.702973E-01 0.464044E-01 Part of the retrieved data: Col 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.154410E-01 0.819755 0.644886 0.353586E-01 0.907627 2 0.524056 0.647486 0.616000 0.300492 0.505506 3 0.809301 0.289558 0.103113 0.362978 0.325762E-01 4 0.916710 0.606128 0.160021E-01 0.573577 0.511788 5 0.149760 0.195894 0.938865 0.100744 0.611072 fftpack5.1_test(): Normal end of execution. 20231007 094216.316