subroutine b4step1 ( maxmx, mbc, mx, meqn, q, & xlower, dx, t, dt, maux, aux ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc B4STEP1 carries out initialization before each step in 1D. c c Discussion: c c called from claw1 before each call to step1. c use to set time-dependent aux arrays or perform other tasks c which must be done every time step. c dummy routine c c Modified: c c 05 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c c Parameters: c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) return end subroutine b4step2(maxmx,maxmy,mbc,mx,my,meqn,q, & xlower,ylower,dx,dy,t,dt,maux,aux) c*********************************************************************72 c cc B4STEP2 carries out initialization before each step in 2D. c c Discussion: c c called from claw2 before each call to step2. c use to set time-dependent aux arrays or perform other tasks c which must be done every time step. c c dummy routine c c Modified: c c 05 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc,1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc,1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, *) return end subroutine b4step3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,mbc,mx,my,mz,meqn,q, & xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,t,dt,maux,aux) c*********************************************************************72 c cc B4STEP3 carries out initialization before each step in 3D. c c Discussion: c c called from claw3 before each call to step3. c use to set time-dependent aux arrays or perform other tasks c which must be done every time step. c c dummy routine c c Modified: c c 05 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, maux) return end subroutine bc1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,dt,mthbc) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BC1 implements standard boundary condition choices for 1D. c c Discussion: c c At each boundary k = 1 (left), 2 (right): c mthbc(k) = 0 for user-supplied BC's (must be inserted!) c = 1 for zero-order extrapolation c = 2 for periodic boundary coniditions c = 3 for solid walls, assuming this can be implemented c by reflecting the data about the boundary and then c negating the 2'nd component of q. c c Extend the data from the computational region c i = 1, 2, ..., mx2 c to the virtual cells outside the region, with c i = 1-ibc and i = mx+ibc for ibc=1,...,mbc c c Modified: c c 05 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) dimension mthbc(2) c c left boundary: c go to (100,110,120,130) mthbc(1)+1 100 continue c c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output c write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(1)=0 and no BCs specified in bc1' stop go to 199 110 continue c c zero-order extrapolation: c do 115 m=1,meqn do 115 ibc=1,mbc q(1-ibc,m) = q(1,m) 115 continue go to 199 120 continue c c periodic: c do m=1,meqn do ibc=1,mbc q(1-ibc,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,m) end do end do go to 199 130 continue c c solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): c do m=1,meqn do ibc=1,mbc q(1-ibc,m) = q(ibc,m) end do end do c c negate the normal velocity: c do ibc=1,mbc q(1-ibc,2) = -q(ibc,2) end do go to 199 199 continue c c right boundary: c go to (200,210,220,230) mthbc(2)+1 200 continue c c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output c write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(2)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2' stop go to 299 210 continue c c zero-order extrapolation: c do 215 m=1,meqn do 215 ibc=1,mbc q(mx+ibc,m) = q(mx,m) 215 continue go to 299 220 continue c c periodic: c do 225 m=1,meqn do 225 ibc=1,mbc q(mx+ibc,m) = q(ibc,m) 225 continue go to 299 230 continue c c solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): c do m=1,meqn do ibc=1,mbc q(mx+ibc,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,m) end do end do do ibc=1,mbc q(mx+ibc,2) = -q(mx+1-ibc,2) end do go to 299 299 continue return end subroutine bc2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower, & dx,dy,q,maux,aux,t,dt,mthbc) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BC2 implements standard boundary condition choices for 2D. c c Discussion: c c At each boundary k = 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (top), 4 (bottom): c mthbc(k) = 0 for user-supplied BC's (must be inserted!) c = 1 for zero-order extrapolation c = 2 for periodic boundary coniditions c = 3 for solid walls, assuming this can be implemented c by reflecting the data about the boundary and then c negating the 2'nd (for k=1,2) or 3'rd (for k=3,4) c component of q. c c Extend the data from the interior cells (1:mx, 1:my) c to the ghost cells outside the region: c (i, 1-jbc) for jbc = 1,mbc, i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc c (i, my+jbc) for jbc = 1,mbc, i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc c (1-ibc, j) for ibc = 1,mbc, j = 1-mbc, my+mbc c (mx+ibc, j) for ibc = 1,mbc, j = 1-mbc, my+mbc c c Modified: c c 05 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, *) dimension mthbc(4) c c # left boundary: c go to (100,110,120,130) mthbc(1)+1 100 continue c c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output c write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(1)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2' stop go to 199 110 continue c c # zero-order extrapolation: c do 115 m=1,meqn do 115 ibc=1,mbc do 115 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(1-ibc,j,m) = q(1,j,m) 115 continue go to 199 120 continue c c # periodic: c do 125 m=1,meqn do 125 ibc=1,mbc do 125 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(1-ibc,j,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,j,m) 125 continue go to 199 130 continue c c # solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): c do 135 m=1,meqn do 135 ibc=1,mbc do 135 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(1-ibc,j,m) = q(ibc,j,m) 135 continue c c # negate the normal velocity: c do 136 ibc=1,mbc do 136 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(1-ibc,j,2) = -q(ibc,j,2) 136 continue go to 199 199 continue c c # right boundary: c go to (200,210,220,230) mthbc(2)+1 c 200 continue c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(2)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2' stop go to 299 210 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 215 m=1,meqn do 215 ibc=1,mbc do 215 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,m) = q(mx,j,m) 215 continue go to 299 220 continue c # periodic: do 225 m=1,meqn do 225 ibc=1,mbc do 225 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,m) = q(ibc,j,m) 225 continue go to 299 230 continue c # solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): do 235 m=1,meqn do 235 ibc=1,mbc do 235 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,j,m) 235 continue c # negate the normal velocity: do 236 ibc=1,mbc do 236 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,2) = -q(mx+1-ibc,j,2) 236 continue go to 299 299 continue c c c # bottom boundary: c go to (300,310,320,330) mthbc(3)+1 c 300 continue c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(3)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2' stop go to 399 c 310 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 315 m=1,meqn do 315 jbc=1,mbc do 315 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,1-jbc,m) = q(i,1,m) 315 continue go to 399 320 continue c # periodic: do 325 m=1,meqn do 325 jbc=1,mbc do 325 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,1-jbc,m) = q(i,my+1-jbc,m) 325 continue go to 399 330 continue c # solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 335 m=1,meqn do 335 jbc=1,mbc do 335 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,1-jbc,m) = q(i,jbc,m) 335 continue c # negate the normal velocity: do 336 jbc=1,mbc do 336 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,1-jbc,3) = -q(i,jbc,3) 336 continue go to 399 399 continue c c c # top boundary: c go to (400,410,420,430) mthbc(4)+1 c 400 continue c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(4)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2' stop go to 499 410 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 415 m=1,meqn do 415 jbc=1,mbc do 415 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,my+jbc,m) = q(i,my,m) 415 continue go to 499 420 continue c # periodic: do 425 m=1,meqn do 425 jbc=1,mbc do 425 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,my+jbc,m) = q(i,jbc,m) 425 continue go to 499 430 continue c # solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 435 m=1,meqn do 435 jbc=1,mbc do 435 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,my+jbc,m) = q(i,my+1-jbc,m) 435 continue c # negate the normal velocity: do 436 jbc=1,mbc do 436 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q(i,my+jbc,3) = -q(i,my+1-jbc,3) 436 continue go to 499 499 continue return end subroutine bc3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,xlower, & ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,q,maux,aux,t,dt,mthbc) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BC3 implements standard boundary condition choices for 3D. c c Discussion: c c At each boundary k = 1 (xlower), 2 (xupper), c 3 (ylower), 4 (yupper), c 5 (zlower), 6 (zupper): c mthbc(k) = 0 for user-supplied BC's (must be inserted!) c = 1 for zero-order extrapolation c = 2 for periodic boundary coniditions c = 3 for solid walls, assuming this can be implemented c by reflecting the data about the boundary and then c negating the 2'nd (for k=1,2) or 3'rd (for k=3,4) c or 4'th (for k=5,6) component of q. c c c Extend the data from the interior cells (1:mx, 1:my, 1:mz) c to a layer of mbc ghost cells outside the region. c c Modified: c c 05 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, maux) dimension mthbc(6) c c left boundary (xlower): c go to (100,110,120,130) mthbc(1)+1 c 100 continue c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(1)=0 and no BCs specified in bc3' stop go to 199 c 110 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 115 m=1,meqn do 115 ibc=1,mbc do 115 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 115 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(1-ibc,j,k,m) = q(1,j,k,m) 115 continue go to 199 120 continue c periodic: do 125 m=1,meqn do 125 ibc=1,mbc do 125 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 125 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(1-ibc,j,k,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,j,k,m) 125 continue go to 199 130 continue c solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): do 135 m=1,meqn do 135 ibc=1,mbc do 135 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 135 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(1-ibc,j,k,m) = q(ibc,j,k,m) 135 continue c negate the normal velocity: do 136 ibc=1,mbc do 136 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 136 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(1-ibc,j,k,2) = -q(ibc,j,k,2) 136 continue go to 199 199 continue c c right boundary (xupper): c go to (200,210,220,230) mthbc(2)+1 200 continue c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(2)=0 and no BCs specified in bc3' stop go to 299 210 continue c zero-order extrapolation: do 215 m=1,meqn do 215 ibc=1,mbc do 215 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 215 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,k,m) = q(mx,j,k,m) 215 continue go to 299 220 continue c periodic: do 225 m=1,meqn do 225 ibc=1,mbc do 225 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 225 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,k,m) = q(ibc,j,k,m) 225 continue go to 299 230 continue c solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): do 235 m=1,meqn do 235 ibc=1,mbc do 235 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 235 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,k,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,j,k,m) 235 continue c negate the normal velocity: do 236 ibc=1,mbc do 236 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 236 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(mx+ibc,j,k,2) = -q(mx+1-ibc,j,k,2) 236 continue go to 299 299 continue c c bottom boundary (ylower): c go to (300,310,320,330) mthbc(3)+1 c 300 continue c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(3)=0 and no BCs specified in bc3' stop go to 399 c 310 continue c zero-order extrapolation: do 315 m=1,meqn do 315 jbc=1,mbc do 315 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 315 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,1-jbc,k,m) = q(i,1,k,m) 315 continue go to 399 320 continue c # periodic: do 325 m=1,meqn do 325 jbc=1,mbc do 325 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 325 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,1-jbc,k,m) = q(i,my+1-jbc,k,m) 325 continue go to 399 330 continue c solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 335 m=1,meqn do 335 jbc=1,mbc do 335 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 335 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,1-jbc,k,m) = q(i,jbc,k,m) 335 continue c negate the normal velocity: do 336 jbc=1,mbc do 336 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 336 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,1-jbc,k,3) = -q(i,jbc,k,3) 336 continue go to 399 399 continue c c top boundary (yupper): c go to (400,410,420,430) mthbc(4)+1 c 400 continue c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(4)=0 and no BCs specified in bc3' stop go to 499 410 continue c zero-order extrapolation: do 415 m=1,meqn do 415 jbc=1,mbc do 415 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 415 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,my+jbc,k,m) = q(i,my,k,m) 415 continue go to 499 420 continue c periodic: do 425 m=1,meqn do 425 jbc=1,mbc do 425 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 425 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,my+jbc,k,m) = q(i,jbc,k,m) 425 continue go to 499 430 continue c solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 435 m=1,meqn do 435 jbc=1,mbc do 435 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 435 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,my+jbc,k,m) = q(i,my+1-jbc,k,m) 435 continue c negate the normal velocity: do 436 jbc=1,mbc do 436 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 436 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc q(i,my+jbc,k,3) = -q(i,my+1-jbc,k,3) 436 continue go to 499 499 continue c c boundary (zlower): c go to (500,510,520,530) mthbc(5)+1 c 500 continue c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(5)=0 and no BCs specified in bc3' stop go to 599 c 510 continue c zero-order extrapolation: do 515 m=1,meqn do 515 kbc=1,mbc do 515 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 515 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,1-kbc,m) = q(i,j,1,m) 515 continue go to 599 520 continue c periodic: do 525 m=1,meqn do 525 kbc=1,mbc do 525 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 525 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,1-kbc,m) = q(i,j,mz+1-kbc,m) 525 continue go to 599 530 continue c solid wall (assumes 4'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 535 m=1,meqn do 535 kbc=1,mbc do 535 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 535 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,1-kbc,m) = q(i,j,kbc,m) 535 continue c negate the normal velocity: do 536 kbc=1,mbc do 536 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 536 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,1-kbc,4) = -q(i,j,kbc,4) 536 continue go to 599 599 continue c c boundary (zupper): c go to (600,610,620,630) mthbc(6)+1 c 600 continue c user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(6)=0 and no BCs specified in bc3' stop go to 699 610 continue c zero-order extrapolation: do 615 m=1,meqn do 615 kbc=1,mbc do 615 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 615 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,mz+kbc,m) = q(i,j,mz,m) 615 continue go to 699 620 continue c periodic: do 625 m=1,meqn do 625 kbc=1,mbc do 625 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 625 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,mz+kbc,m) = q(i,j,kbc,m) 625 continue go to 699 630 continue c solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 635 m=1,meqn do 635 kbc=1,mbc do 635 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 635 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,mz+kbc,m) = q(i,j,mz+1-kbc,m) 635 continue c negate the normal velocity: do 636 kbc=1,mbc do 636 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do 636 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q(i,j,mz+kbc,4) = -q(i,j,mz+1-kbc,4) 636 continue go to 699 699 continue return end subroutine cellave(xlow,ylow,dx,dy,wl) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CELLAVE computes the cell fraction lying in the left state. c c Discussion: c c compute wl, fraction of cell that lies in left state. c For initial data with two states ql and qr separated by a c discontinuity. The curve along which the discontinuity lies is c specified by the function fdisc, which should return a value that c is negative on the side where ql lies and positive on the qr side. c c xlow,ylow is the coordinate of the lower left corner of the cell. c dx, dy are grid spacing in x and y. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external fss logical fl(5),alll,allr dimension x(10),y(10),xx(5),yy(5) common/fsscorn/ xc0,yc0,xc1,yc1 xx(1) = xlow xx(2) = xlow xx(3) = xlow+dx xx(4) = xlow+dx xx(5) = xx(1) yy(1) = ylow yy(2) = ylow+dy yy(3) = ylow+dy yy(4) = ylow yy(5) = yy(1) alll = .true. allr = .true. do 20 i=1,4 fl(i) = fdisc(xx(i),yy(i)) .lt. 0.d0 alll = alll .and. fl(i) allr = allr .and. (.not. fl(i)) 20 continue fl(5) = fl(1) if (alll) then wl = 1.d0 return end if if (allr) then wl = 0.d0 return end if iv = 0 do 40 i=1,4 if (fl(i)) then iv = iv+1 x(iv) = xx(i) y(iv) = yy(i) end if if (fl(i).neqv.fl(i+1)) then iv = iv+1 xc0 = xx(i) yc0 = yy(i) xc1 = xx(i+1) yc1 = yy(i+1) ss = zeroin(0.d0, 1.d0, fss, 1d-8) c write(27,*) 'xc,yc,ss:',xc0,yc0,xc1,yc1,ss x(iv) = xx(i) + ss*(xx(i+1)-xx(i)) y(iv) = yy(i) + ss*(yy(i+1)-yy(i)) end if 40 continue c c compute area: c if (iv.eq.0) then wl = 0.d0 return end if x(iv+1) = x(1) y(iv+1) = y(1) area = 0.d0 do 50 i=1,iv area = area + .5d0*(y(i)+y(i+1))*(x(i+1)-x(i)) c write(27,*) ' x,y:',x(i),y(i) 50 continue wl = area / (dx*dy) c write(27,*) 'area,wl:',area,wl return end subroutine chkmth(method,info) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHKMTH checks whether the method parameters are correct. c c Discussion: c c # Note that method(3) < 0 yields dimensional splitting. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension method(*) info = 0 if(method(1) .ne. 0 .and. method(1) .ne. 1)then write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'CLAW3 error .... method(1) should be:' write(6,*) ' 0 - fixed time steps' write(6,*) ' 1 - variable time steps' write(6,*) ' ' info = 6 end if if(method(2) .ne. 1 .and. method(2) .ne. 2)then write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'CLAW3 error .... method(2) should be:' write(6,*) ' 1 - first order method' write(6,*) ' 2 - second order method' write(6,*) ' ' info = 6 end if if(method(2) .eq. 1 .and. method(3) .ge. 0)then if(method(3) .ne. 0 .and. method(3) .ne. 10 .and. & method(3) .ne. 11)then write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'CLAW3 error .... when method(2) = 1,' write(6,*) 'method(3) should be:' write(6,*) ' 0 - donor cell' write(6,*) ' 10 - 2D wave propagation of increment waves' write(6,*) ' 11 - corner transport upwind' write(6,*) ' ' info = 6 end if end if if(method(2) .eq. 2 .and. method(3) .ge. 0)then if(method(3) .ne. 0 .and. method(3) .ne. 10 .and. & method(3) .ne. 11 .and. method(3) .ne. 20 .and. & method(3) .ne. 21 .and. method(3) .ne. 22)then write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'CLAW3 error .... when method(2) = 2,' write(6,*) 'method(3) should be:' write(6,*) ' 0 - donor cell' write(6,*) ' 10 - 2D wave propagation of increment waves' write(6,*) ' and 1D propagation of correction waves' write(6,*) ' UNCONDITIONALLY UNSTABLE' write(6,*) ' 11 - corner transport upwind with 2D' write(6,*) ' propagation of the correction waves' write(6,*) ' UNCONDITIONALLY UNSTABLE' write(6,*) ' 20 - 2D propagation of both increment and' write(6,*) ' correction waves.' write(6,*) ' 21 - corner transport upwind with 2D ' write(6,*) ' propagation of the correction waves.' write(6,*) ' 22 - Full 3D wave propagation method.' write(6,*) ' ' info = 6 end if end if return end subroutine claw1ez ( maxmx, meqn, mwaves, mbc, maux, mwork, & mthlim, q, work, aux ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CLAW1EZ is an easy-to-use clawpack driver routine for simple applications. c c Discussion: c c This routine makes it easier to use the CLAW1 routine, by making many c choices for the user, using default values and supplying simple versions c of certain routines that would otherwise be user-supplied. c c In the argument list for CLAW1EZ, the user supplies 6 numbers that c specify the sizes of certain arrays, and 4 arrays, which do not need to c be initialized. c c The user also supplies a data file, named "", c containing the value of about 16 variables (some of which are short arrays). c c The user also supplies the routines QINIT, RP1 and SETPROB. c c The entire computation is controlled by the CLAW1 routine. c c Documentation is available at c c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c c Parameters: c c Input, integer MAXMX, the maximum number of interior grid points in X. c c Input, integer MEQN, the number of equations in the system of conservation laws. c c Input, integer MWAVES, the number of waves that result from the solution c of each Riemann problem. Often, MWAVES = MEQN but for some problems c these may be different. c c Input, integer MBC, the number of "ghost cells" that must be added on to each c side of the domain to handle boundary conditions. The cells actually in the c physical domain are labelled from 1 to MX in X. The arrays are dimensioned c actually indexed from 1-MBC to MX+MBC. For the methods currently implemented, c MBC = 2 should be used. If the user implements another method that has a c larger stencil and hence requires more ghost cells, a larger value of MBC c could be used. Q is extended from the physical domain to the ghost cells by the c library-supplied routine BC1. c c Input, integer MAUX, the number of auxilliary variables. c c Input, integer MWORK, the size of the work array WORK. c MWORK must be at least c ( MAXMX + 2 * MBC ) * (2 + 4 * MEQN + MWAVES + MEQN * MWAVES ) c c Work array, integer MTHLIM(MWAVES), space in which a limiter for each wave. c can be stored. The actual values are read from the user's input data file. c c Work array, double precision Q(1-MBC:MAXMX+MBC,MEQN), space in which c the value of Q may be stored. The actual values are determined by calling c QINIT, and then by computation. c c Work array, double precision WORK(MWORK). c c Work array, double precision AUX(1-MBC:MAXMX+MBC,MAUX), space in which c the value of the auxilliary variables can be store. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer maux integer maxmx integer mbc integer meqn integer mwaves integer mwork double precision aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, maux) external b4step1 external bc1 double precision cflv(4) double precision dtv(5) integer method(7) integer mthbc(2) integer mthlim(mwaves) integer nv(2) logical outt0 double precision q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) external rp1 external src1 double precision tout(100) double precision work(mwork) open(55,file='',status='old',form='formatted') open(10,file='',status='unknown',form='formatted') open(11,file='fort.nplot',status='unknown',form='formatted') c c Read the input in standard form from c For a description of input parameters see the documentation at c c c MX = number of grid cells: c read(55,*) mx c c I/O variables. c read(55,*) nout read(55,*) outstyle if (outstyle.eq.1) then read(55,*) tfinal nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.2) then read(55,*) (tout(i), i=1,nout) nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.3) then read(55,*) nstepout, nstop nout = nstop end if c c timestepping variables. c read(55,*) dtv(1) read(55,*) dtv(2) read(55,*) cflv(1) read(55,*) cflv(2) read(55,*) nv(1) c c Input parameters for clawpack routines. c read(55,*) method(1) read(55,*) method(2) read(55,*) method(3) read(55,*) method(4) read(55,*) method(5) read(55,*) method(6) read(55,*) method(7) read(55,*) meqn1 read(55,*) mwaves1 read(55,*) (mthlim(mw), mw=1,mwaves) c c Physical domain: c read(55,*) t0 read(55,*) xlower read(55,*) xupper c c Boundary conditions. c read(55,*) mbc1 read(55,*) mthbc(1) read(55,*) mthbc(2) close ( unit = 55 ) c c Now check the input. c if (method(7) .ne. maux) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** maux set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if (meqn1 .ne. meqn) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** meqn set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if (mwaves1 .ne. mwaves) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mwaves set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if (mbc1 .ne. mbc) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mbc set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if ((mthbc(1).eq.2 .and. mthbc(2).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(2).eq.2 .and. mthbc(1).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions' write(6,*) ' require mthbc(1) and mthbc(2) BOTH be set to 2' stop end if c c Check that enough storage has been allocated: c mwork1 = (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (2 + 4*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves) if ( .or. then maxmx1 = max0(mx,maxmx) mwork1 = (maxmx1 + 2*mbc) * (2 + 4*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves) write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** Insufficient storage allocated' write(6,*) 'Recompile after increasing values in driver.f:' write(6,611) maxmx1 write(6,613) mwork1 611 format(/,'parameter (maxmx = ',i5,')') 613 format('parameter (mwork = ',i7,')',/) stop end if write(6,*) 'running...' write(6,*) ' ' c c Grid spacing. c dx = (xupper - xlower) / float(mx) c c Time increments between outputing solution. c if (outstyle .eq. 1) then dtout = (tfinal - t0)/float(nout) end if write(11,1101) nout 1101 format(i5) c c Call user's routine setprob to set any specific parameters c or other initialization required. c call setprob c c Set auxilliary arrays. c if ( maux .gt. 0 ) then call setaux1 ( maxmx, mbc, mx, xlower, dx, maux, aux ) end if c c Set initial conditions: c call qinit ( maxmx, meqn, mbc, mx, xlower, dx, q, maux, aux ) outt0 = .true. c c Output the initial data. c if (outt0) then call out1 ( maxmx, meqn, mbc, mx, xlower, dx, q, t0, 0 ) write(6,601) 0, t0 end if c c Main loop: c tend = t0 do 100 n=1,nout tstart = tend if (outstyle .eq. 1) tend = tstart + dtout if (outstyle .eq. 2) tend = tout(n) if (outstyle .eq. 3) tend = tstart - 1.d0 !# single-step mode call claw1(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q,aux,xlower,dx,tstart,tend,dtv,cflv,nv,method,mthlim, & mthbc,work,mwork,info,bc1,rp1,src1,b4step1) c c check to see if an error occured: c if (info .ne. 0) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR in claw1 *** info =',info if (info.eq.1) then write(6,*) '*** either mx > maxmx or mbc < 2' end if if (info.eq.2) then write(6,*) '*** dt does not divide (tend - tstart)' write(6,*) '*** and dt is fixed since method(1)=0' end if if (info.eq.3) then write(6,*) '*** method(1)=1 and cflv(2) > cflv(1)' end if if (info.eq.4) then write(6,*) '*** mwork is too small' end if if (info.eq.11) then write(6,*) '*** Too many times steps, n > nv(1)' end if if (info.eq.12) then write(6,*) & '*** The Courant number is greater than cflv(1)' write(6,*) '*** and dt is fixed since method(1)=0' end if go to 999 end if dtv(1) = dtv(5) !# use final dt as starting value on next call c c output solution at this time c c if outstyle=1 or 2, then nstepout=1 and we output every time c we reach this point, since claw1 was called for the entire time c increment between outputs. c c if outstyle=3 then we only output if we have taken nstepout c time steps since the last output. c c iframe is the frame number used to form file names in out1 c iframe = n/nstepout if (iframe*nstepout .eq. n) then call out1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,tend,iframe) write(6,601) iframe,tend write(10,1010) tend,info,dtv(3),dtv(4),dtv(5), & cflv(3),cflv(4),nv(2) end if c c formats for writing out information about this call to claw: c 601 format('CLAW1EZ: Frame ',i4, & ' matlab plot files done at time t =', & d12.4,/) 1010 format('tend =',d15.4,/, & 'info =',i5,/,'smallest dt =',d15.4,/,'largest dt =', & d15.4,/,'last dt =',d15.4,/,'largest cfl =', & d15.4,/,'last cfl =',d15.4,/,'steps taken =',i4,/) 100 continue 999 continue return end subroutine claw1 ( maxmx, meqn, mwaves, mbc, mx, q, aux, xlower, & dx, tstart, tend, dtv, cflv, nv, method, mthlim, mthbc, work, & mwork, info, bc1, rp1, src1, b4step1 ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CLAW1 solves a hyperbolic system of conservation laws in one space dimension. c c Discussion: c c The equations have the general form c c capa * q_t + A q_x = psi c c The "capacity function" capa(x) and source term psi are optional c c For a more complete description see the documentation at c c c Sample driver programs and user-supplied subroutines are available. c See the the directories claw/clawpack/1d/example* for some examples, and c codes in claw/applications for more extensive examples. c c The user must supply the following subroutines: c c bc1 subroutine specifying the boundary conditions. c c rp1 subroutine specifying the Riemann solver. c c b4step1 The routine b4step1 is called each time step and c can be supplied by the user in order to perform c other operations that are necessary every time c step. For example, if the variables stored in c the aux arrays are time-dependent then these c values can be set. c c In addition, if the equation contains source terms psi, then the user c must provide: c c src1 subroutine that solves capa * q_t = psi over a single time step. c c These routines must be declared EXTERNAL in the main program. c For description of the calling sequences, see below. c c Dummy routines b4step1 and src1 are provided in this library. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c c Parameters: c c Input, integer MAXMX, the maximum number of interior grid points in X. c c Input, integer MEQN, the number of equations in the system of conservation laws. c c Input, integer MWAVES, the number of waves that result from the solution c of each Riemann problem. Often, MWAVES = MEQN but for some problems c these may be different. c c Input, integer MBC, the number of "ghost cells" that must be added on to each c side of the domain to handle boundary conditions. The cells actually in the c physical domain are labelled from 1 to MX in X. The arrays are dimensioned c actually indexed from 1-MBC to MX+MBC. For the methods currently implemented, c MBC = 2 should be used. If the user implements another method that has a c larger stencil and hence requires more ghost cells, a larger value of MBC c could be used. Q is extended from the physical domain to the ghost cells by the c user-supplied routine BC1. c c Input, integer MX, the number of grid cells in the X-direction, in the c physical domain. In addition there are MBC grid cells along each edge of the c grid that are used for boundary conditions. MX <= MAXMX is required. c c q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c On input: initial data at time tstart. c On output: final solution at time tend. c q(i,m) = value of mth component in the i'th cell. c Values within the physical domain are in q(i,m) c for i = 1,2,...,mx c mbc extra cells on each end are needed for boundary conditions c as specified in the routine bc1. c c aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, maux) c Array of auxiliary variables that are used in specifying the problem. c If method(7) = 0 then there are no auxiliary variables and aux c can be a dummy variable. c If method(7) = maux > 0 then there are maux auxiliary variables c and aux must be dimensioned as above. c c Capacity functions are one particular form of auxiliary variable. c These arise in some applications, e.g. variable coefficients in c advection or acoustics problems. c See Clawpack Note # 5 for examples. c c If method(6) = 0 then there is no capacity function. c If method(6) = mcapa > 0 then there is a capacity function and c capa(i), the "capacity" of the i'th cell, is assumed to be c stored in aux(i,mcapa). c In this case we require method(7).ge.mcapa. c c dx = grid spacing in x. c (for a computation in ax <= x <= bx, set dx = (bx-ax)/mx.) c c tstart = initial time. c c tend = Desired final time (on input). c If tend 0 if there is a capacity function. In this case c AUX(I,MCAPA) is the capacity of the I'th cell and you c must also specify METHOD(7) .ge. MCAPA and set AUX. c METHOD(7) c = 0 if there is no aux array used. c = MAUX > 0 if there are MAUX auxiliary variables. c c mthlim(1:mwaves) = array of values specifying the flux limiter to be used c in each wave family mw. Often the same value will be used c for each value of mw, but in some cases it may be c desirable to use different limiters. For example, c for the Euler equations the superbee limiter might be c used for the contact discontinuity (mw=2) while another c limiter is used for the nonlinear waves. Several limiters c are built in and others can be added by modifying the c subroutine philim. c c mthlim(mw) = 0 for no limiter c = 1 for minmod c = 2 for superbee c = 3 for van Leer c = 4 for monotonized centered c c work(mwork) = double precision work array of length at least mwork c c mwork = length of work array. Must be at least c (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (2 + 4*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves) c If mwork is too small then the program returns with info = 4 c and prints the necessary value of mwork to unit 6. c c c info = output value yielding error information: c = 0 if normal return. c = 1 if or c = 2 if method(1)=0 and dt doesn't divide (tend - tstart). c = 3 if method(1)=1 and cflv(2) > cflv(1). c = 4 if mwork is too small. c = 11 if the code attempted to take too many time steps, n > nv(1). c This could only happen if method(1) = 1 (variable time steps). c = 12 if the method(1)=0 and the Courant number is greater than 1 c in some time step. c c Note: if, then tend is reset to the value of t actually c reached and q contains the value of the solution at this time. c c User-supplied subroutines c c c bc1 = subroutine that specifies the boundary conditions. c This subroutine should extend the values of q from cells c 1:mx to the mbc ghost cells along each edge of the domain. c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine bc1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,mthbc) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c dimension mthbc(2) c c c The routine claw/clawpack/1d/lib/bc1.f can be used to specify c various standard boundary conditions. c c c rp1 = user-supplied subroutine that implements the Riemann solver c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine rp1(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension ql(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension qr(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension auxl(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c dimension auxr(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c dimension wave(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, mwaves) c dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c c c On input, ql contains the state vector at the left edge of each cell c qr contains the state vector at the right edge of each cell c auxl contains auxiliary values at the left edge of each cell c auxr contains auxiliary values at the right edge of each cell c c Note that the i'th Riemann problem has left state qr(i-1,:) c and right state ql(i,:) c In the standard clawpack routines, this Riemann solver is c called with ql=qr=q along this slice. More flexibility is allowed c in case the user wishes to implement another solution method c that requires left and rate states at each interface. c If method(7)=maux > 0 then the auxiliary variables along this slice c are passed in using auxl and auxr. Again, in the standard routines c auxl=auxr=aux in the call to rp1. c c On output, c wave(i,m,mw) is the m'th component of the jump across c wave number mw in the ith Riemann problem. c s(i,mw) is the wave speed of wave number mw in the c ith Riemann problem. c amdq(i,m) = m'th component of A^- Delta q, c apdq(i,m) = m'th component of A^+ Delta q, c the decomposition of the flux difference c f(qr(i-1)) - f(ql(i)) c into leftgoing and rightgoing parts respectively. c c It is assumed that each wave consists of a jump discontinuity c propagating at a single speed, as results, for example, from a c Roe approximate Riemann solver. An entropy fix can be included c into the specification of amdq and apdq. c c src1 = subroutine for the source terms that solves the equation c capa * q_t = psi c over time dt. c c If method(5)=0 then the equation does not contain a source c term and this routine is never called. A dummy argument can c be used with many compilers, or provide a dummy subroutine that c does nothing (such a subroutine can be found in c claw/clawpack/1d/lib/src1.f) c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,dt) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c c If method(7)=0 or the auxiliary variables are not needed in this solver, c then the latter dimension statement can be omitted, but aux should c still appear in the argument list. c c On input, q(i,m) contains the data for solving the c source term equation. c On output, q(i,m) should have been replaced by the solution to c the source term equation after a step of length dt. c c c b4step1 = subroutine that is called from claw1 before each call to c step1. Use to set time-dependent aux arrays or perform c other tasks which must be done every time step. c c The form of this subroutine is c c c subroutine b4step1(maxmx,mbc,mx,meqn,q,xlower,dx,time,dt,maux,aux) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c c c Copyright 1994 -- 2002 R. J. LeVeque c c This software is made available for research and instructional use only. c You may copy and use this software without charge for these non-commercial c purposes, provided that the copyright notice and associated text is c reproduced on all copies. For all other uses (including distribution of c modified versions), please contact the author at the address given below. c c This software is made available "as is" without any assurance that it c will work for your purposes. The software may in fact have defects, so c use the software at your own risk. c c c CLAWPACK Version 4.1, August, 2002 c Webpage: c c Author: Randall J. LeVeque c Applied Mathematics c Box 352420 c University of Washington, c Seattle, WA 98195-2420 c c c Beginning of claw1 code c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external bc1,rp1,src1,b4step1 dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) dimension work(mwork) dimension mthlim(mwaves),method(7),dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2) dimension mthbc(2) common /comxt/ dtcom,dxcom,tcom info = 0 t = tstart maxn = nv(1) dt = dtv(1) !# initial dt cflmax = 0.d0 dtmin = dt dtmax = dt nv(2) = 0 maux = method(7) c c check for errors in data: c if (mx .gt. maxmx) then info = 1 go to 900 end if if (method(1) .eq. 0) then c c # fixed size time steps. Compute the number of steps: c if (tend .lt. tstart) then c c # single step mode c maxn = 1 else maxn = (tend - tstart + 1d-10) / dt if (dabs(maxn*dt - (tend-tstart)) .gt. & 1d-5*(tend-tstart)) then c c # dt doesn't divide time interval integer number of times c info = 2 go to 900 end if end if end if if (method(1).eq.1 .and. cflv(2).gt.cflv(1)) then info = 3 go to 900 end if c c partition work array into pieces for passing into step1: c i0f = 1 i0wave = i0f + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0s = i0wave + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn * mwaves i0dtdx = i0s + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * mwaves i0qwork = i0dtdx + (maxmx + 2*mbc) i0amdq = i0qwork + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0apdq = i0amdq + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0dtdx = i0apdq + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0end = i0dtdx + (maxmx + 2*mbc) - 1 if (mwork .lt. i0end) then write(6,*) 'mwork must be increased to ',i0end info = 4 go to 900 end if c c main loop c if (maxn.eq.0) go to 900 do 100 n=1,maxn told = t !# time at beginning of time step. c # adjust dt to hit tend exactly if we're near end of computation c # (unless tend < tstart, which is a flag to take only a single step) if ( .and. dt = tend - told if (method(1).eq.1) then c c # save old q in case we need to retake step with smaller dt: c call copyq1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,q,work(i0qwork)) end if 40 continue dt2 = dt / 2.d0 thalf = t + dt2 !# midpoint in time for Strang splitting t = told + dt !# time at end of step c c # store dt and t in the common block comxt in case they are needed c # in the Riemann solvers (for variable coefficients) c tcom = told dtcom = dt dxcom = dx c c main steps in algorithm: c c extend data from grid to bordering boundary cells: c call bc1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,told,dt,mthbc) c c call user-supplied routine which might set aux arrays c for this time step, for example. c call b4step1(maxmx,mbc,mx,meqn,q, & xlower,dx,told,dt,maux,aux) if (method(5).eq.2) then c # with Strang splitting for source term: call src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,told,dt2) end if c c # take a step on the homogeneous conservation law: call step1(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q,aux,dx,dt, & method,mthlim,cfl,work(i0f),work(i0wave), & work(i0s),work(i0amdq),work(i0apdq),work(i0dtdx), & rp1) if (method(5).eq.2) then c c # source terms over a second half time step for Strang splitting: c # Note it is not so clear what time t should be used here if c # the source terms are time-dependent! c call src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,thalf,dt2) end if if (method(5).eq.1) then c c # source terms over a full time step: c call src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,dt) end if if (method(4) .eq. 1) write(6,601) n,cfl,dt,t 601 format('CLAW1... Step',i4, & ' Courant number =',f6.3,' dt =',d12.4, & ' t =',d12.4) if (method(1) .eq. 1) then c c # choose new time step if variable time step c if (cfl .gt. 0.d0) then dt = dmin1(dtv(2), dt * cflv(2)/cfl) dtmin = dmin1(dt,dtmin) dtmax = dmax1(dt,dtmax) else dt = dtv(2) end if end if c c # check to see if the Courant number was too large: c if (cfl .le. cflv(1)) then c c # accept this step c cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) else c c # reject this step c t = told call copyq1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,work(i0qwork),q) if (method(4) .eq. 1) then write(6,602) 602 format('CLAW1 rejecting step... ', & 'Courant number too large') end if if (method(1).eq.1) then c c # if variable dt, go back and take a smaller step c go to 40 else c c # if fixed dt, give up and return c cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) go to 900 end if end if c c # see if we are done: nv(2) = nv(2) + 1 if (t .ge. tend) go to 900 100 continue 900 continue c c return information c c too many timesteps c if (method(1).eq.1 .and. .and. nv(2) .eq. maxn) then info = 11 end if c c Courant number too large with fixed dt c if (method(1).eq.0 .and. cflmax .gt. cflv(1)) then info = 12 end if tend = t cflv(3) = cflmax cflv(4) = cfl dtv(3) = dtmin dtv(4) = dtmax dtv(5) = dt return end subroutine claw2ez(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,maux,mwork,mthlim, & q,work,aux) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CLAW2EZ is an easy-to-use clawpack driver routine for simple applications. c c Discussion: c c Documentation is available at c c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external bc2,rpn2,rpt2,src2,b4step2 dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, maux) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension work(mwork) dimension mthlim(mwaves) c dimension method(7),dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2),mthbc(4) dimension tout(100) logical outt0 common /restrt_block/ tinitial, iframe, outt0 open(55,file='',status='old',form='formatted') open(10,file='',status='unknown',form='formatted') open(11,file='fort.nplot',status='unknown',form='formatted') c c c # Read the input in standard form from c domain variables read(55,*) mx read(55,*) my c i/o variables read(55,*) nout read(55,*) outstyle if (outstyle.eq.1) then read(55,*) tfinal nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.2) then read(55,*) (tout(i), i=1,nout) nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.3) then read(55,*) nstepout, nstop nout = nstop end if c timestepping variables read(55,*) dtv(1) read(55,*) dtv(2) read(55,*) cflv(1) read(55,*) cflv(2) read(55,*) nv(1) c c # input parameters for clawpack routines read(55,*) method(1) read(55,*) method(2) read(55,*) method(3) read(55,*) method(4) read(55,*) method(5) read(55,*) method(6) read(55,*) method(7) read(55,*) meqn1 read(55,*) mwaves1 read(55,*) (mthlim(mw), mw=1,mwaves1) read(55,*) t0 read(55,*) xlower read(55,*) xupper read(55,*) ylower read(55,*) yupper read(55,*) mbc1 read(55,*) mthbc(1) read(55,*) mthbc(2) read(55,*) mthbc(3) read(55,*) mthbc(4) if ((mthbc(1).eq.2 .and. mthbc(2).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(2).eq.2 .and. mthbc(1).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions' write(6,*) 'require mthbc(1) and mthbc(2) BOTH be set to 2' stop end if if ((mthbc(3).eq.2 .and. mthbc(4).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(4).eq.2 .and. mthbc(3).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions' write(6,*) 'require mthbc(3) and mthbc(4) BOTH be set to 2' stop end if c # These values were passed in, but check for consistency: c if (method(7) .ne. maux) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** method(7) should equal maux' stop end if if (meqn1 .ne. meqn) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** meqn set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if (mwaves1 .ne. mwaves) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mwaves set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if (mbc1 .ne. mbc) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mbc set wrong in input or driver' stop end if c c # check that enough storage has been allocated: c if (method(5).lt.2) then narray = 1 !# only need one qwork array else narray = 2 !# need two qwork arrays for Strang splitting end if maxm = max0(maxmx, maxmy) mwork1 = (maxm+2*mbc)*(10*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves & + 3*maux + 2) & + narray * (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) * meqn c if ( .or. .or. then c # insufficient storage maxmx1 = max0(mx,maxmx) maxmy1 = max0(my,maxmy) maxm1 = max0(maxmx1,maxmy1) mwork1 = (maxm1+2*mbc)*(10*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves & + 3*maux + 2) & + narray * (maxmx1 + 2*mbc) * (maxmy1 + 2*mbc) * meqn write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** Insufficient storage allocated' write(6,*) 'Recompile after increasing values in driver.f:' write(6,611) maxmx1 write(6,612) maxmy1 write(6,613) mwork1 611 format(/,'parameter (maxmx = ',i5,')') 612 format('parameter (maxmy = ',i5,')') 613 format('parameter (mwork = ',i9,')',/) stop end if write(6,*) 'running...' write(6,*) ' ' c c # grid spacing dx = (xupper - xlower) / float(mx) dy = (yupper - ylower) / float(my) c c # time increments between outputing solution: if (outstyle .eq. 1) then dtout = (tfinal - t0)/float(nout) end if c write(11,1101) nout write(11,1101) 1 c 1101 format(i5) c c # call user's routine setprob to set any specific parameters c # or other initialization required. c call setprob c c Set auxilliary arrays. c if (maux .gt. 0) then call setaux2(maxmx,maxmy,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower,dx,dy, & maux,aux) end if c c # set initial conditions: iframe = 0 outt0 = .true. tinitial = t0 call qinit(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower, & dx,dy,q,maux,aux) c c # RESTART: reset initial time if changed by restart. t0 = tinitial c if (outt0) then c # output initial data call out2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower,dx,dy, & q,t0,iframe) write(6,601) iframe, t0 end if c c Main loop: c tend = t0 n0 = iframe*nstepout + 1 do 100 n=n0,nout tstart = tend if (outstyle .eq. 1) tend = tstart + dtout if (outstyle .eq. 2) tend = tout(n) if (outstyle .eq. 3) tend = tstart - 1.d0 !# single-step mode c call claw2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & q,aux,xlower,ylower,dx,dy,tstart,tend,dtv, & cflv,nv,method,mthlim,mthbc, & work,mwork,info,bc2,rpn2,rpt2,src2,b4step2) c c # check to see if an error occured: if (info .ne. 0) then write(6,*) 'claw2ez aborting: Error return from claw2', & ' with info =',info go to 999 end if c dtv(1) = dtv(5) !# use final dt as starting value on next call c c # output solution at this time c c # if outstyle=1 or 2, then nstepout=1 and we output every time c # we reach this point, since claw1 was called for the entire time c # increment between outputs. c c # if outstyle=3 then we only output if we have taken nstepout c # time steps since the last output. c # iframe is the frame number used to form file names in out1 iframe = n/nstepout if (iframe*nstepout .eq. n) then call out2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower,dx,dy, & q,tend,iframe) write(6,601) iframe,tend write(10,1010) tend,info,dtv(3),dtv(4),dtv(5), & cflv(3),cflv(4),nv(2) end if c c # formats for writing out information about this call to claw: c 601 format('CLAW2EZ: Frame ',i4, & ' matlab plot files done at time t =', & d12.4,/) c 1010 format('tend =',d15.4,/, & 'info =',i5,/,'smallest dt =',d15.4,/,'largest dt =', & d15.4,/,'last dt =',d15.4,/,'largest cfl =', & d15.4,/,'last cfl =',d15.4,/,'steps taken =',i4,/) c 100 continue c 999 continue c return end subroutine claw2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & q,aux,xlower,ylower,dx,dy,tstart,tend,dtv, & cflv,nv,method,mthlim,mthbc, & work,mwork,info,bc2,rpn2,rpt2,src2,b4step2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CLAW2 solves a hyperbolic system of conservation laws in two space dimensions. c c Discussion: c c The equations have the general form c c capa * q_t + A q_x + B q_y = psi c c The "capacity function" capa(x,y) and source term psi are optional c (see below). c c For a more complete description see the documentation at c c c Sample driver programs and user-supplied subroutines are available. c See the the directories claw/clawpack/2d/example* for some examples, and c codes in claw/applications for more extensive examples. c c c c The user must supply the following subroutines: c c bc2, rpn2, rpt2, subroutines specifying the boundary conditions c and Riemann solvers. c c b4step2 The routine b4step2 is called each time step and c can be supplied by the user in order to perform c other operations that are necessary every time c step. For example, if the variables stored in c the aux arrays are time-dependent then these c values can be set. c c In addition, if the equation contains source terms psi, then the user c must provide: c c src2 subroutine that solves capa * q_t = psi c over a single time step. c c These routines must be declared EXTERNAL in the main program. c For description of the calling sequences, see below. c c Dummy routines b4step1.f and src1.f are available in c claw/clawpack/1d/lib c c A subroutine implementing many standard boundary conditions is c available in claw/clawpack/2d/lib/bc2.f. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c c c Description of parameters... c c c maxmx is the maximum number of interior grid points in x, c and is used in declaration of the array q c c maxmy is the maximum number of interior grid points in y, c and is used in declaration of the array q c c meqn is the number of equations in the system of c conservation laws. c c mwaves is the number of waves that result from the c solution of each Riemann problem. Often mwaves = meqn but c for some problems these may be different, e.g. for the Euler c equations meqn = 4 but mwaves = 3 since there are only 3 c distinct wave speeds. c c mbc is the number of "ghost cells" that must be added on to each c side of the domain to handle boundary conditions. The cells c actually in the physical domain are labelled from 1 to mx in x and c from 1 to my in y. The arrays are dimensioned actually indexed c from 1-mbc to mx+mbc and from 1-mbc to my+mbc. c For the methods currently implemented, mbc = 2 should be used. c If the user implements another method that has a larger stencil and c hence requires more ghost cells, a larger value of mbc could be used. c q is extended from the physical domain to the ghost cells by the c user-supplied routine bc2. c c mx is the number of grid cells in the x-direction, in the c physical domain. In addition there are mbc grid cells c along each edge of the grid that are used for boundary c conditions. c Must have mx .le. maxmx c c my is the number of grid cells in the y-direction, in the c physical domain. In addition there are mbc grid cells c along each edge of the grid that are used for boundary c conditions. c Must have my .le. maxmy c c q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) c On input: initial data at time tstart. c On output: final solution at time tend. c q(i,j,m) = value of mth component in the (i,j) cell. c Values within the physical domain are in q(i,j,m) c for i = 1,2,...,mx and j = 1,2,...,my. c mbc extra cells on each end are needed for boundary conditions c as specified in the routine bc2. c c aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, maux) c Array of auxiliary variables that are used in specifying the problem. c If method(7) = 0 then there are no auxiliary variables and aux c can be a dummy variable. c If method(7) = maux > 0 then there are maux auxiliary variables c and aux must be dimensioned as above. c c Capacity functions are one particular form of auxiliary variable. c These arise in some applications, e.g. the c determinant of the Jacobian if a mapped grid is used, or a density c or porosity function in some advection problems. c See Clawpack Note # 5 for examples. c c If method(6) = 0 then there is no capacity function. c If method(6) = mcapa > 0 then there is a capacity function and c capa(i,j), the "capacity" of the (i,j) cell, is assumed to be c stored in aux(i,j,mcapa). c In this case we require method(7).ge.mcapa. c c dx = grid spacing in x. c (for a computation in ax <= x <= bx, set dx = (bx-ax)/mx.) c c dy = grid spacing in y. c (for a computation in ay <= y <= by, set dy = (by-ay)/my.) c c tstart = initial time. c c tend = Desired final time (on input). c If tend 0 if there is a capacity function. In this case c aux(i,j,mcapa) is the capacity of cell (i,j) and you c must also specify method(7) .ge. mcapa and set aux. c c method(7) = 0 if there is no aux array used. c = maux > 0 if there are maux auxiliary variables. c c The recommended choice of methods for most problems is c method(1) = 1, method(2) = 2, method(3) = 2. c c c mthlim(1:mwaves) = array of values specifying the flux limiter to be used c in each wave family mw. Often the same value will be used c for each value of mw, but in some cases it may be c desirable to use different limiters. For example, c for the Euler equations the superbee limiter might be c used for the contact discontinuity (mw=2) while another c limiter is used for the nonlinear waves. Several limiters c are built in and others can be added by modifying the c subroutine philim. c c mthlim(mw) = 0 for no limiter c = 1 for minmod c = 2 for superbee c = 3 for van Leer c = 4 for monotonized centered c c mthbc(1:4) = array of values specifying what boundary conditions should c be used at each edge of the domain, if the standard c bc2.f routine is used. Passed to bc2. c c work(mwork) = double precision work array of length at least mwork c c mwork = length of work array. Must be at least c N * (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) * meqn c + (max(mx,my) + 2*mbc) * (10*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves c + 3*maux + 2) c where N = 1 if method(5)<2 (no source term or Godunov splitting) c N = 2 if method(5)=2 (source term with Strang splitting) c If mwork is too small then the program returns with info = 4 c and also prints the required value of mwork to unit 6. c c c info = output value yielding error information: c = 0 if normal return. c = 1 if or or c = 2 if method(1)=0 and dt doesn't divide (tend - tstart). c = 3 if method(1)=1 and cflv(2) > cflv(1). c = 4 if mwork is too small. c = 5 if method(6) > method(7) c = 6 if method(3) > method(2) c = 11 if the code attempted to take too many time steps, n > nv(1). c This could only happen if method(1) = 1 (variable time steps). c = 12 if the method(1)=0 and the Courant number is greater than 1 c in some time step. c c Note: if, then tend is reset to the value of t actually c reached and q contains the value of the solution at this time. c c User-supplied subroutines c c bc2 = subroutine that specifies the boundary conditions. c This subroutine should extend the values of q from cells c (1:mx, 1:my) to the mbc ghost cells along each edge of the domain. c c c rpn2 = user-supplied subroutine that implements the Riemann solver c along a one-dimensional slice of data. c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine rpn2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,ql,qr, c & auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) c dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension auxl(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) c dimension auxr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) c dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c c On input, ql contains the state vector at the left edge of each cell c qr contains the state vector at the right edge of each cell c auxl contains auxiliary values at the left edge of each cell c auxr contains auxiliary values at the right edge of each cell c c This data is along a slice in the x-direction if ixy=1 c or the y-direction if ixy=2. c c Note that the i'th Riemann problem has left state qr(i-1,:) c and right state ql(i,:) c In the standard clawpack routines, this Riemann solver is c called with ql=qr=q along this slice. More flexibility is allowed c in case the user wishes to implement another solution method c that requires left and rate states at each interface. c If method(7)=maux > 0 then the auxiliary variables along this slice c are passed in using auxl and auxr. Again, in the standard routines c auxl=auxr is just the values of aux along this slice. c On output, c wave(i,m,mw) is the mth component of the jump across c wave number mw in the ith Riemann problem. c s(i,mw) is the wave speed of wave number mw in the c ith Riemann problem. c amdq(i,m) is the m'th component of the left-going flux difference. c apdq(i,m) is the m'th component of the right-going flux difference. c It is assumed that each wave consists of a jump discontinuity c propagating at a single speed, as results, for example, from a c Roe approximate Riemann solver. An entropy fix can be included c into the specification of amdq and apdq. c c c rpt2 = user-supplied subroutine that implements the splitting of c a flux difference asdq into waves in the transverse direction. c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine rpt2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,ql,qr,aux1,aux2,aux3, c imp,asdq,bmasdq,bpasdq) c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux) c dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux) c dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux) c dimension asdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bmasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bpasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c c On input, c ql,qr is the data along some one-dimensional slice, as in rpn2 c This slice is in the x-direction c if ixy=1, or in the y-direction if ixy=2. c aux2 is the auxiliary array (if method(6)=maux>0) along c this slice, say at j=J if ixy=1. c aux1 is the auxiliary array along the adjacent slice J-1 c aux3 is the auxiliary array along the adjacent slice J+1 c c asdq is an array of flux differences (A^* \Delta q). c asdq(i,:) is the flux difference propagating away from c the interface between cells i-1 and i. c imp = 1 if asdq = A^- \Delta q, the left-going flux difference c 2 if asdq = A^+ \Delta q, the right-going flux difference c On output, c bmasdq is the down-going portion of the flux difference c determined by solving a Riemann problem in the transverse c direction using asdq as data. c bpasdq is the up-going portion of the flux difference. c For example, for a linear system q_t + Aq_x + Bq_y = 0, c asdq = A^+ dq or A^- dq c and this is then split into c bmasdq = B^- asdq and bpasdq = B^+ asdq c c c src2 = user-supplied subroutine that takes one time step on the c source terms alone, solving c capa * q_t = psi c over time dt. c c If method(5)=0 then the equation does not contain a source c term and this routine is never called. A dummy argument can c be used with many compilers, or provide a dummy subroutine that c does nothing (such a subroutine can be found in c clawpack/2d/lib/src2.f) c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine src2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower, c & dx,dy,q,maux,aux,told,dt2) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, *) c c If method(7)=0 or the auxiliary variables are not needed in this solver, c then the latter dimension statement can be omitted, but aux should c still appear in the argument list. c c On input, q(i,j,m) contains the data for solving the c source term equation. c On output, q(i,j,m) should have been replaced by the solution to c the source term equation after a step of length dt. c c c c b4step2 = subroutine that is called from claw2 before each call to c step2. Use to set time-dependent aux arrays or perform c other tasks which must be done every time step. c c The form of this subroutine is c c c subroutine b4step2(maxmx,maxmy,mbc,mx,my,meqn,q, c & xlower,ylower,dx,dy,time,dt,maux,aux) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c c c c c c Copyright 1994 -- 1999 R. J. LeVeque c c This software is made available for research and instructional use only. c You may copy and use this software without charge for these non-commercial c purposes, provided that the copyright notice and associated text is c reproduced on all copies. For all other uses (including distribution of c modified versions), please contact the author at the address given below. c c *** This software is made available "as is" without any assurance that it c *** will work for your purposes. The software may in fact have defects, so c *** use the software at your own risk. c c c CLAWPACK Version 4.1, August, 2002 c Webpage: c c c Author: Randall J. LeVeque c Applied Mathematics c Box 352420 c University of Washington, c Seattle, WA 98195-2420 c c c Beginning of claw2 code c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external bc2,rpn2,rpt2,src2,b4step2 dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, *) dimension work(mwork) dimension mthlim(mwaves),method(7),dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2),mthbc(4) common /comxyt/ dtcom,dxcom,dycom,tcom,icom,jcom c maxm = max0(maxmx, maxmy) info = 0 t = tstart maxn = nv(1) dt = dtv(1) !# initial dt cflmax = 0.d0 dtmin = dt dtmax = dt nv(2) = 0 maux = method(7) c c # check for errors in data: c c if ( .or. .or. then info = 1 write(6,*) 'CLAW2 ERROR... check mx,maxmx,my,maxmy,mbc' go to 900 end if c if (method(1) .eq. 0) then c # fixed size time steps. Compute the number of steps: if (tend .lt. tstart) then c # single step mode maxn = 1 else maxn = (tend - tstart + 1d-10) / dt if (dabs(maxn*dt - (tend-tstart)) .gt. & 1d-5*(tend-tstart)) then c # dt doesn't divide time interval integer number of times info = 2 write(6,*) & 'CLAW2 ERROR... dt does not divide (tend-tstart)' go to 900 end if end if end if c if (method(1).eq.1 .and. cflv(2).gt.cflv(1)) then info = 3 write(6,*) 'CLAW2 ERROR... cflv(2) > cflv(1)' go to 900 end if c if (method(6).gt.method(7)) then info = 5 write(6,*) 'CLAW2 ERROR... method(6) > method(7)' go to 900 end if c if (method(2) .lt. method(3)) then info = 6 write(6,*) 'CLAW2 ERROR... method(3) > method(2)' go to 900 end if c if (method(5).lt.2) then narray = 1 !# only need one qwork array else narray = 2 !# need two qwork arrays for Strang splitting end if c mwork0 = (maxm+2*mbc)*(10*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves & + 3*maux + 2) & + narray * (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) * meqn c if (mwork .lt. mwork0) then info = 4 write(6,*) 'CLAW2 ERROR... mwork should be increased to ', & mwork0 go to 900 end if c c # partition work array into pieces needed for local storage in c # step2 routine. Find starting index of each piece: c i0qadd = 1 i0fadd = i0qadd + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0gadd = i0fadd + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0q1d = i0gadd + 2*(maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0dtdx1 = i0q1d + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0dtdy1 = i0dtdx1 + (maxm+2*mbc) i0qwrk1 = i0dtdy1 + (maxm+2*mbc) c nqwork = (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) * meqn !# size of q array if (method(5).lt.2) then i0qwrk2 = i0qwrk1 !# qwrk2 points to same storage as qwrk1 else i0qwrk2 = i0qwrk1 + nqwork !# second qwork array is needed for !# Strang spliting end if c i0aux1 = i0qwrk2 + nqwork i0aux2 = i0aux1 + (maxm+2*mbc)*maux i0aux3 = i0aux2 + (maxm+2*mbc)*maux c i0next = i0aux3 + (maxm+2*mbc)*maux !# next free space mused = i0next - 1 !# space already used mwork1 = mwork - mused !# remaining space (passed to step2) c c # main loop c if (maxn.eq.0) go to 900 do 100 n=1,maxn told = t !# time at beginning of time step. c # adjust dt to hit tend exactly if we're near end of computation c # (unless tend < tstart, which is a flag to take only a single step) if ( .and. dt = tend - told c 40 continue c c # store dt and t in the common block comxyt in case they are needed c # in the Riemann solvers (for variable coefficients) tcom = told dtcom = dt dxcom = dx dycom = dy c c # main steps in algorithm c c c # extend data from grid to bordering boundary cells: call bc2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower, & dx,dy,q,maux,aux,told,dt,mthbc) c c c c # call user-supplied routine which might set aux arrays c # for this time step, for example. call b4step2(maxmx,maxmy,mbc,mx,my,meqn,q, & xlower,ylower,dx,dy,told,dt,maux,aux) c c c if (method(5).eq.2) then c # with Strang splitting for source term: c # First need to store solution before taking c # step on source terms in case we need to redo everything with c # a smaller time step if the Courant number is too large in c # subroutine step2. call copyq2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,q,work(i0qwrk2)) c c # source terms over a half time step: dt2 = dt / 2.d0 call src2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower, & dx,dy,q,maux,aux,told,dt2) end if c c # copy q into qwork1. q is updated in step2 and qwork1 is c # preserved to provide data for Riemann problems. c # qwork1 can also be used to restart if the Courant number is c # too large, unless Strang splitting is used in which case we c # must used the values already stored above before c # taking the source term step. call copyq2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,q,work(i0qwrk1)) c c # take one step on the conservation law: c if( method(3) .ge. 0 )then c # unsplit version c call step2(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & work(i0qwrk1),q,aux, & dx,dy,dt,method,mthlim,cfl, & work(i0qadd),work(i0fadd),work(i0gadd), & work(i0q1d),work(i0dtdx1),work(i0dtdy1), & work(i0aux1),work(i0aux2),work(i0aux3), & work(i0next),mwork1,rpn2,rpt2) c else c # dimensional splitting (fractional steps) c call dimsp2(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & work(i0qwrk1),q,aux, & dx,dy,dt,method,mthlim,cfl,cflv, & work(i0qadd),work(i0fadd),work(i0gadd), & work(i0q1d),work(i0dtdx1),work(i0dtdy1), & work(i0aux1),work(i0aux2),work(i0aux3), & work(i0next),mwork1,rpn2,rpt2) c end if c t = told + dt c if (method(4).eq.1) then c # verbose mode write(6,601) n,cfl,dt,t 601 format('CLAW2... Step',i6, & ' Courant number =',f6.3,' dt =',d12.4, & ' t =',d12.4) end if c c c # check to see if the Courant number was too large: if (cfl .le. cflv(1)) then c # accept this step cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) else c # Reject this step. Reset q to qwork from previous time: c # Note that i0qwrk2 points to work space where previous c # solution is stored in all cases method(5) = 0,1, or 2. t = told call copyq2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,work(i0qwrk2),q) c if (method(4).eq.1) then c # verbose mode write(6,602) end if 602 format('CLAW2 rejecting step... Courant number too large') c if (method(1).eq.1) then c # if variable dt, go back and take a smaller step. dt = dmin1(dtv(2), dt * cflv(2)/cfl) go to 40 else c # if fixed dt, give up and return cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) go to 900 end if end if c c c # claw2 step is accepted c # now apply source terms: c if (method(5).eq.2) then c # source terms over a second half time step for Strang splitting: c # Note it is not so clear what time t should be used here if c # the source terms are time-dependent! call src2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower, & dx,dy,q,maux,aux,t,dt2) end if c if (method(5).eq.1) then c # source terms over a full time step: call src2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower, & dx,dy,q,maux,aux,t,dt) end if c c c if (method(1) .eq. 1) then c # choose new time step if variable time step if (cfl.eq.0.d0) then dt = dtv(2) else dt = dmin1(dtv(2), dt * cflv(2)/cfl) end if dtmin = dmin1(dt,dtmin) dtmax = dmax1(dt,dtmax) end if c c c # see if we are done: c nv(2) = nv(2) + 1 if (t .ge. tend) go to 900 100 continue c 900 continue c c # return information c if (method(1).eq.1 .and. .and. nv(2) .eq. maxn) then c # too many timesteps write(6,*) 'CLAW2 ERROR... too many timesteps' info = 11 end if if (method(1).eq.0 .and. cflmax .gt. cflv(1)) then c # Courant number too large with fixed dt write(6,*) 'CLAW2 ERROR... Courant number too large' info = 12 end if tend = t cflv(3) = cflmax cflv(4) = cfl dtv(3) = dtmin dtv(4) = dtmax dtv(5) = dt c return end subroutine claw3ez(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,maux,mwork, & mthlim,q,work,aux) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CLAW3EZ is an easy-to-use clawpack driver routine for simple applications. c c Discussion: c c Documentation is available at c c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external bc3,rpn3,rpt3,rptt3,src3,b4step3 dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, maux) dimension work(mwork) dimension mthlim(mwaves) dimension method(7),dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2),mthbc(6) dimension tout(100) logical outt0 common /restrt_block/ tinitial, iframe, outt0 open(55,file='',status='old',form='formatted') open(10,file='',status='unknown',form='formatted') open(11,file='fort.nplot',status='unknown',form='formatted') c c Read the input in standard form from c c domain variables c read(55,*) mx read(55,*) my read(55,*) mz c c i/o variables c read(55,*) nout read(55,*) outstyle if (outstyle.eq.1) then read(55,*) tfinal nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.2) then read(55,*) (tout(i), i=1,nout) nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.3) then read(55,*) nstepout, nstop nout = nstop end if c c timestepping variables c read(55,*) dtv(1) read(55,*) dtv(2) read(55,*) cflv(1) read(55,*) cflv(2) read(55,*) nv(1) c c input parameters for clawpack routines c read(55,*) method(1) read(55,*) method(2) read(55,*) method(3) read(55,*) method(4) read(55,*) method(5) read(55,*) method(6) read(55,*) method(7) read(55,*) meqn1 read(55,*) mwaves1 read(55,*) (mthlim(mw), mw=1,mwaves1) read(55,*) t0 read(55,*) xlower read(55,*) xupper read(55,*) ylower read(55,*) yupper read(55,*) zlower read(55,*) zupper c read(55,*) mbc1 read(55,*) mthbc(1) read(55,*) mthbc(2) read(55,*) mthbc(3) read(55,*) mthbc(4) read(55,*) mthbc(5) read(55,*) mthbc(6) if ((mthbc(1).eq.2 .and. mthbc(2).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(2).eq.2 .and. mthbc(1).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions' write(6,*) 'require mthbc(1) and mthbc(2) BOTH be set to 2' stop end if if ((mthbc(3).eq.2 .and. mthbc(4).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(4).eq.2 .and. mthbc(3).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions' write(6,*) 'require mthbc(3) and mthbc(4) BOTH be set to 2' stop end if if ((mthbc(5).eq.2 .and. mthbc(6).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(6).eq.2 .and. mthbc(5).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions' write(6,*) 'require mthbc(5) and mthbc(6) BOTH be set to 2' stop end if c c These values were passed in, but check for consistency: c if (method(7) .ne. maux) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** method(7) should equal maux' stop end if if (meqn1 .ne. meqn) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** meqn set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if (mwaves1 .ne. mwaves) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mwaves set wrong in input or driver' stop end if if (mbc1 .ne. mbc) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mbc set wrong in input or driver' stop end if c c check that enough storage has been allocated: c if (method(5).lt.2) then narray = 1 !# only need one qwork array else narray = 2 !# need two qwork arrays for Strang splitting end if maxm = max0(maxmx, maxmy, maxmz) mwork1 = (maxm+2*mbc)*(46*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves & + 9*maux + 3) & + narray * (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) & * (maxmz + 2*mbc) * meqn if ( .or. .or. .or. & then c c insufficient storage c maxmx1 = max0(mx,maxmx) maxmy1 = max0(my,maxmy) maxmz1 = max0(mz,maxmz) maxm1 = max0(maxmx1,maxmy1,maxmz1) mwork1 = (maxm1+2*mbc)*(46*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves & + 9*maux + 3) & + narray * (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) & * (maxmz + 2*mbc) * meqn write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** Insufficient storage allocated' write(6,*) 'Recompile after increasing values in driver.f:' write(6,611) maxmx1 write(6,612) maxmy1 write(6,613) maxmz1 write(6,614) mwork1 611 format(/,'parameter (maxmx = ',i5,')') 612 format('parameter (maxmy = ',i5,')') 613 format('parameter (maxmz = ',i5,')') 614 format('parameter (mwork = ',i9,')',/) stop end if call chkmth(method,info) if( info .eq. 6) stop write(6,*) 'running...' write(6,*) ' ' c c grid spacing c dx = (xupper - xlower) / float(mx) dy = (yupper - ylower) / float(my) dz = (zupper - zlower) / float(mz) c c time increments between outputing solution: c if (outstyle .eq. 1) then dtout = (tfinal - t0)/float(nout) end if write(11,1101) nout write(11,1101) 1 1101 format(i5) c c call user's routine setprob to set any specific parameters c or other initialization required. c call setprob c c Set auxilliary arrays. c if (maux .gt. 0) then call setaux3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,mbc,mx,my,mz,xlower,ylower, & zlower,dx,dy,dz,maux,aux) end if c c set initial conditions: c iframe = 0 outt0 = .true. tinitial = t0 call qinit(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,xlower,ylower, & zlower,dx,dy,dz,q,maux,aux) c c RESTART: reset initial time if changed by restart. c t0 = tinitial if (outt0) then c c output initial data c call out3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,xlower,ylower, & zlower,dx,dy,dz,q,t0,iframe) write(6,601) iframe, t0 end if c c Main loop: c tend = t0 n0 = iframe*nstepout + 1 do 100 n=n0,nout tstart = tend if (outstyle .eq. 1) tend = tstart + dtout if (outstyle .eq. 2) tend = tout(n) if (outstyle .eq. 3) tend = tstart - 1.d0 !# single-step mode call claw3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my,mz, & q,aux,xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,tstart,tend,dtv, & cflv,nv,method,mthlim,mthbc, & work,mwork,info,bc3,rpn3,rpt3,rptt3,src3,b4step3) c c check to see if an error occured: c if (info .ne. 0) then write(6,*) 'claw3ez aborting: Error return from claw3', & ' with info =',info go to 999 end if dtv(1) = dtv(5) !# use final dt as starting value on next call c c output solution at this time c c c if outstyle=1 or 2, then nstepout=1 and we output every time c we reach this point, since claw1 was called for the entire time c increment between outputs. c c if outstyle=3 then we only output if we have taken nstepout c time steps since the last output. c iframe is the frame number used to form file names in out3 c if (mod(n,nstepout) .eq. 0) then iframe = iframe + 1 call out3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,xlower,ylower, & zlower,dx,dy,dz,q,tend,iframe) write(6,601) iframe,tend write(10,1010) tend,info,dtv(3),dtv(4),dtv(5), & cflv(3),cflv(4),nv(2) end if c c formats for writing out information about this call to claw: c 601 format('CLAW3EZ: Frame ',i4, & ' matlab plot files done at time t =', & d12.4,/) 1010 format('tend =',d15.4,/, & 'info =',i5,/,'smallest dt =',d15.4,/,'largest dt =', & d15.4,/,'last dt =',d15.4,/,'largest cfl =', & d15.4,/,'last cfl =',d15.4,/,'steps taken =',i4,/) 100 continue 999 continue return end subroutine claw3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my,mz, & q,aux,xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,tstart,tend,dtv, & cflv,nv,method,mthlim,mthbc, & work,mwork,info,bc3,rpn3,rpt3,rptt3,src3,b4step3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CLAW3 solves a hyperbolic system of conservation laws in three space dimensions. c c Discussion: c c The equations have the general form c c capa * q_t + A q_x + B q_y + C q_z = psi c c The "capacity function" capa(x,y,z) and source term psi are optional c (see below). c c For a more complete description see the documentation at c c c c The user must supply the following subroutines: c c bc3, rpn3, rpt3, rptt3 subroutines specifying the boundary conditions c and Riemann solvers. c c b4step3 The routine b4step3 is called each time step and c can be supplied by the user in order to perform c other operations that are necessary every time c step. For example, if the variables stored in c the aux arrays are time-dependent then these c values can be set. c c c In addition, if the equation contains source terms psi, then the user c must provide: c c src3 subroutine that solves capa * q_t = psi c over a single time step. c c These routines must be declared EXTERNAL in the main program. c For description of the calling sequences, see below. c c Dummy routines b4step3.f and src3.f are available in c claw/clawpack/3d/lib c c A subroutine implementing many standard boundary conditions is c available in claw/clawpack/3d/lib/bc3.f. c c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c c Description of parameters... c c maxmx is the maximum number of interior grid points in x, c and is used in declaration of the array q c c maxmy is the maximum number of interior grid points in y, c and is used in declaration of the array q c c maxmz is the maximum number of interior grid points in z, c and is used in declaration of the array q c c meqn is the number of equations in the system of c conservation laws. c c mwaves is the number of waves that result from the c solution of each Riemann problem. Often mwaves = meqn but c for some problems these may be different, e.g. for the Euler c equations meqn = 5 but mwaves = 3 since there are only 3 c distinct wave speeds. c c mbc is the number of "ghost cells" that must be added on to each c side of the domain to handle boundary conditions. The cells c actually in the physical domain are labelled from 1 to mx in x, c from 1 to my in y, and from 1 to mz in z. c The arrays are dimensioned actually indexed c from 1-mbc to mx+mbc, from 1-mbc to my+mbc and from 1-mbc c to mz+mbc. c For the methods currently implemented, mbc = 2 should be used. c If the user implements another method that has a larger stencil and c hence requires more ghost cells, a larger value of mbc could be used. c q is extended from the physical domain to the ghost cells by the c user-supplied routine bc2. c c mx is the number of grid cells in the x-direction, in the c physical domain. In addition there are mbc grid cells c along each edge of the grid that are used for boundary c conditions. c Must have mx .le. maxmx c c my is the number of grid cells in the y-direction, in the c physical domain. In addition there are mbc grid cells c along each edge of the grid that are used for boundary c conditions. c Must have my .le. maxmy c c mz is the number of grid cells in the z-direction, in the c physical domain. In addition there are mbc grid cells c along each edge of the grid that are used for boundary c conditions. c Must have my .le. maxmz c c q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc,meqn) c On input: initial data at time tstart. c On output: final solution at time tend. c q(i,j,k,m) = value of mth component in the (i,j,k) cell. c Values within the physical domain are in q(i,j,k,m) c for i = 1,2,...,mx , j = 1,2,...,my, and c k = 1,2,...,mz, c mbc extra cells on each end are needed for boundary conditions c as specified in the routine bc3. c c aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc,maux) c Array of auxiliary variables that are used in specifying the problem. c If method(7) = 0 then there are no auxiliary variables and aux c can be a dummy variable. c If method(7) = maux > 0 then there are maux auxiliary variables c and aux must be dimensioned as above. c c Capacity functions are one particular form of auxiliary variable. c These arise in some applications, e.g. the c determinant of the Jacobian if a mapped grid is used, or a density c or porosity function in some advection problems. c See Clawpack Note # 5 for examples. c c If method(6) = 0 then there is no capacity function. c If method(6) = mcapa > 0 then there is a capacity function and c capa(i,j,k), the "capacity" of the (i,j,k) cell, is assumed to be c stored in aux(i,j,k,mcapa). c In this case we require method(7).ge.mcapa. c c dx = grid spacing in x. c (for a computation in ax <= x <= bx, set dx = (bx-ax)/mx.) c c dy = grid spacing in y. c (for a computation in ay <= y <= by, set dy = (by-ay)/my.) c c dz = grid spacing in z. c (for a computation in az <= z <= bz, set dz = (bz-az)/mz.) c c tstart = initial time. c c tend = Desired final time (on input). c If tend 0 if there is a capacity function. In this case c aux(i,j,k,mcapa) is the capacity of cell (i,j,k) c and you must also specify method(7) .ge. mcapa c and set aux. c c method(7) = 0 if there is no aux array used. c = maux > 0 if there are maux auxiliary variables. c c The recommended choice of methods for most problems is c method(1) = 1, method(2) = 2, method(3) = 22. c c mthlim(1:mwaves) = array of values specifying the flux limiter to be used c in each wave family mw. Often the same value will be used c for each value of mw, but in some cases it may be c desirable to use different limiters. For example, c for the Euler equations the superbee limiter might be c used for the contact discontinuity (mw=2) while another c limiter is used for the nonlinear waves. Several limiters c are built in and others can be added by modifying the c subroutine philim. c c mthlim(mw) = 0 for no limiter c = 1 for minmod c = 2 for superbee c = 3 for van Leer c = 4 for monotonized centered c c mthbc(1:6) = array of values specifying what boundary conditions should c be used at each edge of the domain, if the standard c bc3.f routine is used. Passed to bc3. c c c work(mwork) = double precision work array of length at least mwork c c mwork = length of work array. Must be at least c N * (maxmx + 2*mbc)*(maxmy + 2*mbc)*(maxmz + 2*mbc)*meqn c + (max(mx,my) + 2*mbc) * (46*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves c + 9*maux + 2) c where N = 1 if method(5)=0 (no source term) c N = 2 if method(5)=1 (source term) c If mwork is too small then the program returns with info = 4 c and also prints the required value of mwork to unit 6. c c c info = output value yielding error information: c = 0 if normal return. c = 1 if or or c or c = 2 if method(1)=0 and dt doesn't divide (tend - tstart). c = 3 if method(1)=1 and cflv(2) > cflv(1). c = 4 if mwork is too small. c = 5 if method(6) > method(7) c = 6 if illegal parameters are used in specifying the method. c = 11 if the code attempted to take too many time steps, n > nv(1). c This could only happen if method(1) = 1 (variable time steps). c = 12 if the method(1)=0 and the Courant number is greater than 1 c in some time step. c c Note: if, then tend is reset to the value of t actually c reached and q contains the value of the solution at this time. c c User-supplied subroutines c c bc3 = subroutine that specifies the boundary conditions. c This subroutine should extend the values of q from cells c (1:mx, 1:my, 1:mz) to the mbc ghost cells along each edge c of the domain. The routine claw/clawpack/3d/lib/bc3.f c implements many standard choices. c c c rpn3 = user-supplied subroutine that implements the Riemann solver c along a one-dimensional slice of data. c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine rpn3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,ql,qr, c & auxl,auxr,maux,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) c dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension auxl(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension auxr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c c solve Riemann problems along one slice of data. c This data is along a slice in the x-direction if ixyz=1 c the y-direction if ixyz=2. c the z-direction if ixyz=3. c c On input, ql contains the state vector at the left edge of each cell c qr contains the state vector at the right edge of each cell c c auxl(i,ma,2) contains auxiliary data for cells along this slice, c where ma=1,maux in the case where maux=method(7) > 0. c auxl(i,ma,1) and auxl(i,ma,3) contain auxiliary data along c neighboring slices that generally aren't needed in the rpn3 routine. c c c Note that the i'th Riemann problem has left state qr(i-1,:) c and right state ql(i,:) c From the basic clawpack routines, this routine is called with ql = qr c c More flexibility is allowed c in case the user wishes to implement another solution method c that requires left and rate states at each interface. c c c On output, c wave(i,m,mw) is the mth component of the jump across c wave number mw in the ith Riemann problem. c s(i,mw) is the wave speed of wave number mw in the c ith Riemann problem. c amdq(i,m) is the m'th component of the left-going flux c difference. c apdq(i,m) is the m'th component of the right-going flux c difference. c It is assumed that each wave consists of a jump discontinuity c propagating at a single speed, as results, for example, from a c Roe approximate Riemann solver. An entropy fix can be included c into the specification of amdq and apdq. c c c rpt3 = user-supplied subroutine that implements the splitting of c a flux difference asdq into waves in the transverse direction. c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine rpt3(ixyz,icoor,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, c & ql,qr,aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,imp,asdq, c & bmasdq,bpasdq) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension asdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bmasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bpasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c c On input, c c ql,qr is the data along some one-dimensional slice, as in rpn3 c This slice is c in the x-direction if ixyz=1, c in the y-direction if ixyz=2, or c in the z-direction if ixyz=3. c asdq is an array of flux differences (A^* \Delta q). c asdq(i,:) is the flux difference propagating away from c the interface between cells i-1 and i. c imp = 1 if asdq = A^- \Delta q, the left-going flux difference c 2 if asdq = A^+ \Delta q, the right-going flux difference c c aux2 is the auxiliary array (if method(7)=maux>0) along c the plane where this slice lies, say at j=J if ixyz=1. c aux2(:,:,1) contains data along j=J, k=k-1 c aux2(:,:,2) contains data along j=J, k=k c aux2(:,:,3) contains data along j=J, k=k+1 c aux1 is the auxiliary array along the plane with j=J-1 c aux3 is the auxiliary array along the plane with j=J+1 c c if ixyz=2 then aux2 is in some plane k=K, and c aux2(:,:,1) contains data along i=I-1, k=K, etc. c c if ixyz=3 then aux2 is in some plane i=I, and c aux2(:,:,1) contains data along j=j-1, i=I, etc. c c On output, c If data is in x-direction (ixyz=1) then this routine does the c splitting of asdq (= A^* \Delta q, where * = + or -) ... c c into down-going flux difference bmasdq (= B^- A^* \Delta q) c and up-going flux difference bpasdq (= B^+ A^* \Delta q) c when icoor = 2, c c or c c into down-going flux difference bmasdq (= C^- A^* \Delta q) c and up-going flux difference bpasdq (= C^+ A^* \Delta q) c when icoor = 3. c c c More generally, ixyz specifies what direction the slice of data is c in, and icoor tells which transverse direction to do the splitting in: c c If ixyz = 1, data is in x-direction and then c icoor = 2 => split in the y-direction (iuvw=2) c icoor = 3 => split in the z-direction (iuvw=3) c c If ixyz = 2, data is in y-direction and then c icoor = 2 => split in the z-direction (iuvw=3) c icoor = 3 => split in the x-direction (iuvw=1) c c If ixyz = 3, data is in z-direction and then c icoor = 2 => split in the x-direction (iuvw=1) c icoor = 3 => split in the y-direction (iuvw=2) c c For example, for a linear system q_t + Aq_x + Bq_y + Cq_z = 0, c asdq = A^+ dq or A^- dq c and this is then split into c bmasdq = B^- asdq and bpasdq = B^+ asdq c when ixyz = 1, and icoor = 2. c c rptt3 = user-supplied subroutine that implements the splitting of c a flux difference bsasdq into waves in the double transverse c direction. c This subroutine has the form : c c subroutine rptt3(ixyz,icoor,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, c & ql,qr,aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,imp,impt,bsasdq, c & cmbsasdq,cpbsasdq) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bsasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension cmbsasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension cpbsasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c c On input, c c ql,qr is the data along some one-dimensional slice, as in rpn3 c This slice is c in the x-direction if ixyz=1, c in the y-direction if ixyz=2, or c in the z-direction if ixyz=3. c bsasdq is an array of flux differences (B^* A^* \Delta q). c bsasdq(i,:) is the flux difference propagating into cells c who share only a corner with interface between cells i and i-1. c imp = 1 if asdq = A^- \Delta q, the left-going flux difference c 2 if asdq = A^+ \Delta q, the right-going flux difference c c impt = 1 if bsasdq = B^-A^* \Delta q, c 2 if bsasdq = B^+A^* \Delta q c c aux2 is the auxiliary array (if method(7)=maux>0) along c the plane where this slice lies, say at j=J if ixyz=1. c aux2(:,:,1) contains data along j=J, k=k-1 c aux2(:,:,2) contains data along j=J, k=k c aux2(:,:,3) contains data along j=J, k=k+1 c aux1 is the auxiliary array along the plane with j=J-1 c aux3 is the auxiliary array along the plane with j=J+1 c c if ixyz=2 then aux2 is in some plane k=K, and c aux2(:,:,1) contains data along i=I-1, k=K, etc. c c if ixyz=3 then aux2 is in some plane i=I, and c aux2(:,:,1) contains data along j=j-1, i=I, etc. c c On output, c If data is in x-direction (ixyz=1) then this routine does the c splitting of bsasdq (= B^*A^* \Delta q, where * = + or -) ... c c into down-going flux difference cmbsasdq (= C^- B^* A^* \Delta q) c and up-going flux difference cpbsasdq (= c^+ B^* A^* \Delta q) c when icoor = 2, c c or c c into front-going (in negative y direction) flux difference c bmcsasdq (= B^- C^*A^* \Delta q) c and back-going (in positive y direction) flux difference c bpcsasdq (= B^+ C^* A^* \Delta q) when icoor = 3. c c c More generally, ixyz specifies what direction the slice of data is c in, and icoor tells which transverse direction to do the splitting in: c c If ixyz = 1, data is in x-direction and then c icoor = 2 => split in the y-direction (iuvw=2) c icoor = 3 => split in the z-direction (iuvw=3) c c If ixyz = 2, data is in y-direction and then c icoor = 2 => split in the z-direction (iuvw=3) c icoor = 3 => split in the x-direction (iuvw=1) c c If ixyz = 3, data is in z-direction and then c icoor = 2 => split in the x-direction (iuvw=1) c icoor = 3 => split in the y-direction (iuvw=2) c c For example, for a linear system q_t + Aq_x + Bq_y + Cq_z = 0, c bsasdq = B^+ A^* dq or B^- A^* dq c and this is then split into c cmbsasdq = C^- bsasdq and cpbsasdq = C^+ bsasdq c when ixyz = 1, and icoor = 3. c c Or, if ixyz = 1, and icoor = 2, then c bsasdq = C^+ A^* dq or C^- A^* dq c and this is then split into c cmbsasdq = B^- bsasdq and cpbsasdq = B^+ bsasdq c c c c src3 = user-supplied subroutine that takes one time step on the c source terms alone, solving c capa * q_t = psi c over time dt. c c If method(5)=0 then the equation does not contain a source c term and this routine is never called. A dummy argument can c be used with many compilers, or provide a dummy subroutine that c does nothing. c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine src3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,q,aux,t,dt) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, c & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, c & 1-mbc:maxxz+mbc, *) c c If method(7)=0 or the auxiliary variables are not needed in c this solver, c then the latter dimension statement can be omitted, but aux should c still appear in the argument list. c c On input, q(i,j,k,m) contains the data for solving the c source term equation. c On output, q(i,j,k,m) should have been replaced by the solution to c the source term equation after a step of length dt. c c b4step3 = subroutine that is called from claw3 before each call to c step3. Use to set time-dependent aux arrays or perform c other tasks which must be done every time step. c c The form of this subroutine is c c subroutine b4step3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,mbc,mx,my,mz,meqn,q, c & xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,time,dt,maux,aux) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, c & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, c & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, maux) c c c Copyright 1996 -- 2002 R. J. LeVeque and J. O. Langseth c c This software is made available for research and instructional use only. c You may copy and use this software without charge for these non-commercial c purposes, provided that the copyright notice and associated text is c reproduced on all copies. For all other uses (including distribution of c modified versions), please contact the author at the address given below. c c *** This software is made available "as is" without any assurance that it c *** will work for your purposes. The software may in fact have defects, so c *** use the software at your own risk. c c c CLAWPACK Version 4.1, August, 2002 c Webpage: c c c Authors: Randall J. LeVeque c Applied Mathematics c Box 352420 c University of Washington, c Seattle, WA 98195-2420 c c c and c Jan Olav Langseth c FFI/VM c Box 25 c N-2007 Kjeller c Norway c c c Modified in 2002 by c Donna Calhoun c Applied Mathematics c Box 352420 c University of Washington, c Seattle, WA 98195-2420 c c c c Beginning of claw3 code c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external bc3,rpn3,rpt3, rptt3 dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, *) dimension work(mwork) dimension mthlim(mwaves),method(7),dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2) common /comxyzt/ dtcom,dxcom,dycom,dzcom,tcom,icom,jcom,kcom maxm = max0(maxmx, maxmy, maxmz) info = 0 t = tstart maxn = nv(1) dt = dtv(1) !# initial dt cflmax = 0.d0 dtmin = dt dtmax = dt nv(2) = 0 maux = method(7) c c check for errors in data: c call chkmth(method,info) if( info .eq. 6) go to 900 if ( ( .or. ( .or. ( & .or. ( ) then info = 1 go to 900 end if if (method(1) .eq. 0) then c c # fixed size time steps. Compute the number of steps: c if (tend .lt. tstart) then c c # single step mode c maxn = 1 else maxn = (tend - tstart + 1d-10) / dt if (dabs(maxn*dt - (tend-tstart)) .gt. & 1d-5*(tend-tstart)) then c c # dt doesn't divide time interval integer number of times c info = 2 write(6,*) & 'CLAW3 ERROR... dt does not divide (tend-tstart)' go to 900 end if end if end if if (method(1).eq.1 .and. cflv(2).gt.cflv(1)) then info = 3 write(6,*) 'CLAW3 ERROR... cflv(2) > cflv(1)' go to 900 end if if (method(6).gt.method(7)) then info = 5 write(6,*) 'CLAW3 ERROR... method(6) > method(7)' go to 900 end if if (method(5).lt.2) then narray = 1 !# no source terms -- only need one qwork array else narray = 2 !# need two qwork arrays end if mwork0 = (maxm+2*mbc)*(46*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves & + 9*maux + 3) & + narray * (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) & * (maxmz + 2*mbc) * meqn if (mwork .lt. mwork0) then info = 4 write(6,*) 'CLAW3 ERROR... mwork should be increased to ', & mwork0 go to 900 end if c c # partition work array into pieces needed for local storage in c # step2 routine. Find starting index of each piece: c i0qadd = 1 i0fadd = i0qadd + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0gadd = i0fadd + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0hadd = i0gadd + 6*(maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0q1d = i0hadd + 6*(maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0dtdx1d = i0q1d + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0dtdy1d = i0dtdx1d + (maxm+2*mbc) i0dtdz1d = i0dtdy1d + (maxm+2*mbc) i0qwrk1 = i0dtdz1d + (maxm+2*mbc) nqwork = (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (maxmy + 2*mbc) & * (maxmz + 2*mbc) * meqn !# size of q array if (method(5).lt.2) then i0qwrk2 = i0qwrk1 !# qwrk2 points to same storage as qwrk1 else i0qwrk2 = i0qwrk1 + nqwork !# second qwork array with source term end if i0aux1 = i0qwrk2 + nqwork i0aux2 = i0aux1 + 3*(maxm+2*mbc)*maux i0aux3 = i0aux2 + 3*(maxm+2*mbc)*maux i0next = i0aux3 + 3*(maxm+2*mbc)*maux !# next free space mused = i0next - 1 !# space already used mwork1 = mwork - mused !# remaining space (passed to step2) c c # main loop c if (maxn.eq.0) go to 900 do 100 n=1,maxn told = t !# time at beginning of time step. c # adjust dt to hit tend exactly if we're near end of computation c # (unless tend < tstart, which is a flag to take only a single step) if ( .and. dt = tend - told 40 continue c c # store dt and t in the common block comxyt in case they are needed c # in the Riemann solvers (for variable coefficients) c tcom = told dtcom = dt dxcom = dx dycom = dy dzcom = dz c c # main steps in algorithm c c # extend data from grid to bordering boundary cells: c call bc3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,xlower, & ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,q,maux,aux,told,dt,mthbc) c c # call user-supplied routine which might set aux arrays c # for this time step, for example. c call b4step3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,mbc,mx,my,mz,meqn,q, & xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,told,dt,maux,aux) c c if (method(5).eq.2) then c c # with source term: use Strang splitting c # First need to store solution before taking c # step on source terms in case we need to redo everything with c # a smaller time step if the Courant number is too large in c # subroutine step3. c call copyq3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,q, & work(i0qwrk2)) c c # source terms over a half time step: c dt2 = dt / 2.d0 thalf = told + dt2 !# midpoint in time. call src3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz, & xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz, & q,maux,aux,told,dt2) end if c c # copy q into qwork1. q is updated in step2 and qwork1 is c # preserved to provide data for Riemann problems. c call copyq3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,q, & work(i0qwrk1)) c c # take one step on the conservation law: c if(method(3) .ge. 0)then c c # unsplit version c call step3(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & mz,work(i0qwrk1),q,aux,dx,dy,dz,dt,method, & mthlim,cfl, & work(i0qadd),work(i0fadd),work(i0gadd), & work(i0hadd),work(i0q1d),work(i0dtdx1d), & work(i0dtdy1d),work(i0dtdz1d), & work(i0aux1),work(i0aux2),work(i0aux3),maux, & work(i0next),mwork1,rpn3,rpt3, rptt3) else c c # dimensional splitting (fractional steps) c call dimsp3(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & mz,work(i0qwrk1),q,aux,dx,dy,dz,dt,method, & mthlim,cfl,cflv, & work(i0qadd),work(i0fadd),work(i0gadd), & work(i0hadd),work(i0q1d),work(i0dtdx1d), & work(i0dtdy1d),work(i0dtdz1d), & work(i0aux1),work(i0aux2),work(i0aux3),maux, & work(i0next),mwork1,rpn3,rpt3,rptt3) c end if c t = told + dt c if (method(4).eq.1) then c # verbose mode write(6,601) n,cfl,dt,t 601 format('CLAW3... Step',i4, & ' Courant number =',f6.3,' dt =',d12.4, & ' t =',d12.4) end if c c c # check to see if the Courant number was too large: c if (cfl .le. cflv(1)) then c c # accept this step c cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) else c c # Reject this step. Reset q to qwork from previous time: c # Note that i0qwrk2 points to work space where previous c # solution is stored in both cases method(5) = 0 or 1. c t = told call copyq3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz, & work(i0qwrk2),q) if (method(4).eq.1) then c c # verbose mode c write(6,602) 602 format('CLAW3 rejecting step... ', & 'Courant number too large') end if if (method(1).eq.1) then c c # if variable dt, go back and take a smaller step. c dt = dmin1(dtv(2), dt * cflv(2)/cfl) go to 40 else c # if fixed dt, give up and return cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) go to 900 end if end if c c # claw3 step is accepted c # now apply source terms: c if (method(5).eq.2) then c c # source terms over a second half time step for Strang splitting: c # Note it is not so clear what time t should be used here if c # the source terms are time-dependent! c call src3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz, & xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz, & q,maux,aux,t,dt2) end if if (method(5).eq.1) then c c # source terms over a full time step: c call src3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz, & xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz, & q,maux,aux,t,dt) end if if (method(1) .eq. 1) then c c # choose new time step if variable time step c if (cfl.eq.0.d0) then dt = dtv(2) else dt = dmin1(dtv(2), dt * cflv(2)/cfl) end if dtmin = dmin1(dt,dtmin) dtmax = dmax1(dt,dtmax) end if c c # see if we are done: c nv(2) = nv(2) + 1 if (t .ge. tend) go to 900 100 continue 900 continue c c # return information c if (method(1).eq.1 .and. .and. nv(2) .eq. maxn) then c c # too many timesteps c write(6,*) 'CLAW3 ERROR... too many timesteps' info = 11 end if if (method(1).eq.0 .and. cflmax .gt. cflv(1)) then c c # Courant number too large with fixed dt c write(6,*) 'CLAW3 ERROR... Courant number too large' info = 12 end if tend = t cflv(3) = cflmax cflv(4) = cfl dtv(3) = dtmin dtv(4) = dtmax dtv(5) = dt return end subroutine copyq1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,q1,q2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COPYQ1 copies the contents of q1 into q2 c c Discussion: c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q1(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) dimension q2(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) do i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do m=1,meqn q2(i,m) = q1(i,m) end do end do return end subroutine copyq2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,q1,q2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COPYQ2 copies the contents of q1 into q2 c c Discussion: c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q1(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension q2(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) do j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc do m=1,meqn q2(i,j,m) = q1(i,j,m) end do end do end do return end subroutine copyq3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,mz,q1,q2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COPYQ3 copies the contents of q1 into q2 c c Discussion: c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q1(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc,meqn) dimension q2(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc,meqn) do 10 m=1,meqn do 10 k = 1-mbc, mz+mbc do 10 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc do 10 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q2(i,j,k,m) = q1(i,j,k,m) 10 continue return end subroutine dimsp2(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & qold,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dt,method,mthlim,cfl, & cflv,qadd,fadd,gadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,work,mwork,rpn2,rpt2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DIMSP2 takes a time step, updating Q, using dimensional splitting. c c Discussion: c c # Take one time step, updating q, using dimensional c # splitting. Two choices are available: c # c # method(3) = -1 gives Godunov splitting: c # time step dt in x-direction c # time step dt in y-direction c c # method(3) = -2 gives Strang splitting c # time step dt/2 in x-direction c # time step dt in y-direction c # time step dt/2 in x-direction c c # Godunov splitting is recommended over Strang splitting normally c # since it typically works as well, is faster, and boundary c # conditions are handled properly. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external rpn2,rpt2 dimension qold(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension qnew(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cflv(4) dimension qadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension fadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, *) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc) dimension dtdy1d(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc) dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) dimension work(mwork) c c # If method(3) = -1, take a full time step in x. c # If method(3) = -2, take a half time step in x. c dt2 = dt/2.d0 c if( method(3) .eq. -2 )then call step2ds(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & qold,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dt2,method,mthlim,cflx, & qadd,fadd,gadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,work,mwork,rpn2,rpt2,1) else call step2ds(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & qold,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dt,method,mthlim,cflx, & qadd,fadd,gadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,work,mwork,rpn2,rpt2,1) end if if (cflx .gt. cflv(1)) then c # Abort if the Courant number was too large in x-sweep cfl = cflx return end if c c # Take full step in y-direction c call step2ds(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & qnew,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dt,method,mthlim,cfly, & qadd,fadd,gadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,work,mwork,rpn2,rpt2,2) c cfl = dmax1(cflx,cfly) c c # Finally, take a half time step in the x-direction c # if Strang splitting is used. NOTE: boundary conditions may c # not be set properly for this sweep. c if( method(3) .eq. -2 )then if (cfly .gt. cflv(1)) then c # Abort if the Courant number was too large in y-sweep cfl = cfly return end if call step2ds(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & qnew,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dt2,method,mthlim,cflx, & qadd,fadd,gadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,work,mwork,rpn2,rpt2,1) cfl = dmax1(cfl,cflx) end if c return end subroutine dimsp3(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & mz,qold,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dz,dt,method,mthlim,cfl, & cflv,qadd,fadd,gadd,hadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d, & dtdz1d,aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,work,mwork, & rpn3,rpt3,rptt3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DISMP3 takes a time step, updating Q, using dimensional splitting. c c Discussion: c c # Take one time step, updating q, using dimensional c # splitting. Only first order Godunov splitting is c # included. The main reason why not also Strang splitting c # is included, is that it is not clear how to include c # boundary conditions in this case. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external rpn3,rpt3,rptt3 dimension qold(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) dimension qnew(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, meqn) dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cflv(4) dimension qadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension fadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) dimension hadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, & 1-mbc:maxmz+mbc, *) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension dtdy1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension dtdz1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) dimension work(mwork) c c # Take one full time step in the x-direction c idir = 1 call step3ds(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & mz,qold,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dz,dt,method,mthlim,cflx, & qadd,fadd,gadd,hadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d,dtdz1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,work,mwork, & rpn3,rpt3,rptt3,idir) c if (cflx .gt. cflv(1)) then c # Abort if the Courant number was too large in x-sweep cfl = cflx return end if c c # Take one full time step in the y-direction c idir = 2 c call step3ds(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & mz,qnew,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dz,dt,method,mthlim,cfly, & qadd,fadd,gadd,hadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d,dtdz1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,work,mwork, & rpn3,rpt3,rptt3,idir) c if (cfly .gt. cflv(1)) then c # Abort if the Courant number was too large in y-sweep cfl = cfly return end if c c # Take one full time step in the z-direction c idir = 3 call step3ds(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & mz,qnew,qnew,aux,dx,dy,dz,dt,method,mthlim,cflz, & qadd,fadd,gadd,hadd,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d,dtdz1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,work,mwork, & rpn3,rpt3,rptt3,idir) c cfl = dmax1(cflx,cfly,cflz) c return end subroutine dump2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,my, & q,t,dx,dy,dtv,cflv,nv,method,mthlim,info) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DUMP2 dumps the data needed for a possible restart c c Discussion: c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2),method(7),mthlim(mwaves) write(99,*) mx,my write(99,*) dx,dy write(99,*) t write(99,*) dtv write(99,*) cflv write(99,*) nv write(99,*) method write(99,*) mthlim write(99,*) info do 12 m=1,meqn do 11 j=1,my do 10 i=1,mx write(99,*) q(i,j,m) 10 continue 11 continue 12 continue return end subroutine flux2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q1d,dtdx1d,aux1,aux2,aux3,method,mthlim, & qadd,fadd,gadd,cfl1d,wave,s, & amdq,apdq,cqxx,bmasdq,bpasdq,rpn2,rpt2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FLUX2 computes modified fluxes along a 1D slice of the 2D grid. c c Discussion: c c # Compute the modification to fluxes f and g that are generated by c # all interfaces along a 1D slice of the 2D grid. c # ixy = 1 if it is a slice in x c # 2 if it is a slice in y c # This value is passed into the Riemann solvers. The flux modifications c # go into the arrays fadd and gadd. The notation is written assuming c # we are solving along a 1D slice in the x-direction. c c # fadd(i,.) modifies F to the left of cell i c # gadd(i,.,1) modifies G below cell i c # gadd(i,.,2) modifies G above cell i c c # The method used is specified by method(2:3): c c method(2) = 1 if only first order increment waves are to be used. c = 2 if second order correction terms are to be added, with c a flux limiter as specified by mthlim. c c method(3) = 0 if no transverse propagation is to be applied. c Increment and perhaps correction waves are propagated c normal to the interface. c = 1 if transverse propagation of increment waves c (but not correction waves, if any) is to be applied. c = 2 if transverse propagation of correction waves is also c to be included. c c Note that if method(6)=1 then the capa array comes into the second c order correction terms, and is already included in dtdx1d: c If ixy = 1 then c dtdx1d(i) = dt/dx if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dx*capa(i,jcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixy = 2 then c dtdx1d(j) = dt/dy if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dy*capa(icom,j)) if method(6) = 1 c c Notation: c The jump in q (q1d(i,:)-q1d(i-1,:)) is split by rpn2 into c amdq = the left-going flux difference A^- Delta q c apdq = the right-going flux difference A^+ Delta q c Each of these is split by rpt2 into c bmasdq = the down-going transverse flux difference B^- A^* Delta q c bpasdq = the up-going transverse flux difference B^+ A^* Delta q c where A^* represents either A^- or A^+. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external rpn2,rpt2 dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension qadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension fadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2) c dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) logical limit common /comxyt/ dtcom,dxcom,dycom,tcom,icom,jcom c limit = .false. do 5 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .gt. 0) limit = .true. 5 continue c c # initialize flux increments: c do 20 m=1,meqn do 10 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc qadd(i,m) = 0.d0 fadd(i,m) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2) = 0.d0 10 continue 20 continue c c # initialize apdq/amdq and transverse corrections c do m=1,meqn do i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc amdq(i,m) = 0.d0 apdq(i,m) = 0.d0 bmasdq(i,m) = 0.d0 bpasdq(i,m) = 0.d0 cqxx(i,m) = 0.d0 end do end do c c c # solve Riemann problem at each interface and compute Godunov updates c c call rpn2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux2,aux2, & wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c # Set qadd for the donor-cell upwind method (Godunov) do 41 m=1,meqn do 40 i=1,mx+1 qadd(i,m) = qadd(i,m) - dtdx1d(i)*apdq(i,m) qadd(i-1,m) = qadd(i-1,m) - dtdx1d(i-1)*amdq(i,m) 40 continue 41 continue c c # compute maximum wave speed for checking Courant number: cfl1d = 0.d0 do 51 mw=1,mwaves do 50 i=1,mx+1 c # if s>0 use dtdx1d(i) to compute CFL, c # if s<0 use dtdx1d(i-1) to compute CFL: cfl1d = dmax1(cfl1d, dtdx1d(i)*s(i,mw), & -dtdx1d(i-1)*s(i,mw)) 50 continue 51 continue c if (method(2).eq.1) go to 130 c c # modify F fluxes for second order q_{xx} correction terms: c c c # apply limiter to waves: if (limit) call limiter(maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,wave,s,mthlim) c do 121 m=1,meqn do 120 i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc c c # For correction terms below, need average of dtdx in cell c # i-1 and i. Compute these and overwrite dtdx1d: c dtdx1d(i-1) = 0.5d0 * (dtdx1d(i-1) + dtdx1d(i)) c cqxx(i,m) = 0.d0 do 119 mw=1,mwaves c c # second order corrections: cqxx(i,m) = cqxx(i,m) + dabs(s(i,mw)) & * (1.d0 - dabs(s(i,mw))*dtdx1d(i-1)) * wave(i,m,mw) c 119 continue fadd(i,m) = fadd(i,m) + 0.5d0 * cqxx(i,m) 120 continue 121 continue c c 130 continue c if (method(3).le.0) go to 999 !# no transverse propagation c if (method(2).gt.1 .and. method(3).eq.2) then c # incorporate cqxx into amdq and apdq so that it is split also. do 151 m=1,meqn do 150 i = 1, mx+1 amdq(i,m) = amdq(i,m) + cqxx(i,m) apdq(i,m) = apdq(i,m) - cqxx(i,m) 150 continue 151 continue end if c c c # modify G fluxes for transverse propagation c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going: call rpt2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2,aux3, & 1,amdq,bmasdq,bpasdq) c c # modify flux below and above by B^- A^- Delta q and B^+ A^- Delta q: do 161 m=1,meqn do 160 i = 1, mx+1 gadd(i-1,m,1) = gadd(i-1,m,1) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bmasdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2) = gadd(i-1,m,2) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bpasdq(i,m) 160 continue 161 continue c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going: call rpt2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2,aux3, & 2,apdq,bmasdq,bpasdq) c c # modify flux below and above by B^- A^+ Delta q and B^+ A^+ Delta q: do 181 m=1,meqn do 180 i = 1, mx+1 gadd(i,m,1) = gadd(i,m,1) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bmasdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,2) = gadd(i,m,2) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bpasdq(i,m) 180 continue 181 continue c 999 continue return end subroutine flux2fw(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q1d,dtdx1d,aux1,aux2,aux3,method,mthlim, & qadd,fadd,gadd,cfl1d,fwave,s, & amdq,apdq,cqxx,bmasdq,bpasdq,rpn2,rpt2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FLUX2FW is a modified version of FLUX2. c c Discussion: c c # flux2fw is a modified version of flux2 to use fwave instead of wave. c # A modified Riemann solver rp2n must be used in conjunction with this c # routine, which returns fwave's instead of wave's. c # See c c # Limiters are applied to the fwave's, and the only significant c # modification of this code is in the "do 119" loop, for the c # second order corrections. c c # Compute the modification to fluxes f and g that are generated by c # all interfaces along a 1D slice of the 2D grid. c # ixy = 1 if it is a slice in x c # 2 if it is a slice in y c # This value is passed into the Riemann solvers. The flux modifications c # go into the arrays fadd and gadd. The notation is written assuming c # we are solving along a 1D slice in the x-direction. c c # fadd(i,.) modifies F to the left of cell i c # gadd(i,.,1) modifies G below cell i c # gadd(i,.,2) modifies G above cell i c c # The method used is specified by method(2:3): c c method(2) = 1 if only first order increment waves are to be used. c = 2 if second order correction terms are to be added, with c a flux limiter as specified by mthlim. c c method(3) = 0 if no transverse propagation is to be applied. c Increment and perhaps correction waves are propagated c normal to the interface. c = 1 if transverse propagation of increment waves c (but not correction waves, if any) is to be applied. c = 2 if transverse propagation of correction waves is also c to be included. c c Note that if method(6)=1 then the capa array comes into the second c order correction terms, and is already included in dtdx1d: c If ixy = 1 then c dtdx1d(i) = dt/dx if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dx*capa(i,jcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixy = 2 then c dtdx1d(j) = dt/dy if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dy*capa(icom,j)) if method(6) = 1 c c Notation: c The jump in q (q1d(i,:)-q1d(i-1,:)) is split by rpn2 into c amdq = the left-going flux difference A^- Delta q c apdq = the right-going flux difference A^+ Delta q c Each of these is split by rpt2 into c bmasdq = the down-going transverse flux difference B^- A^* Delta q c bpasdq = the up-going transverse flux difference B^+ A^* Delta q c where A^* represents either A^- or A^+. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external rpn2,rpt2 dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpasdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension qadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension fadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2) c dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, *) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) dimension fwave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) logical limit common /comxyt/ dtcom,dxcom,dycom,tcom,icom,jcom c limit = .false. do 5 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .gt. 0) limit = .true. 5 continue c c # initialize flux increments: c c do 20 m=1,meqn do 10 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc qadd(i,m) = 0.d0 fadd(i,m) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2) = 0.d0 10 continue 20 continue c c c # solve Riemann problem at each interface and compute Godunov updates c call rpn2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux2,aux2, & fwave,s,amdq,apdq) c c # Set qadd for the donor-cell upwind method (Godunov) do 41 m=1,meqn do 40 i=1,mx+1 qadd(i,m) = qadd(i,m) - dtdx1d(i)*apdq(i,m) qadd(i-1,m) = qadd(i-1,m) - dtdx1d(i-1)*amdq(i,m) 40 continue 41 continue c c # compute maximum wave speed for checking Courant number: cfl1d = 0.d0 do 51 mw=1,mwaves do 50 i=1,mx+1 c # if s>0 use dtdx1d(i) to compute CFL, c # if s<0 use dtdx1d(i-1) to compute CFL: cfl1d = dmax1(cfl1d, dtdx1d(i)*s(i,mw), & -dtdx1d(i-1)*s(i,mw)) 50 continue 51 continue c if (method(2).eq.1) go to 130 c c # modify F fluxes for second order q_{xx} correction terms: c c c # apply limiter to waves: if (limit) call limiter(maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,fwave,s,mthlim) c do 121 m=1,meqn do 120 i = 1, mx+1 c c # For correction terms below, need average of dtdx in cell c # i-1 and i. Compute these and overwrite dtdx1d: c dtdx1d(i-1) = 0.5d0 * (dtdx1d(i-1) + dtdx1d(i)) c cqxx(i,m) = 0.d0 do 119 mw=1,mwaves c c # second order corrections: cqxx(i,m) = cqxx(i,m) + dsign(1.d0,s(i,mw)) & * (1.d0 - dabs(s(i,mw))*dtdx1d(i-1)) * fwave(i,m,mw) c 119 continue fadd(i,m) = fadd(i,m) + 0.5d0 * cqxx(i,m) 120 continue 121 continue c c 130 continue c if (method(3).le.0) go to 999 !# no transverse propagation c if (method(2).gt.1 .and. method(3).eq.2) then c # incorporate cqxx into amdq and apdq so that it is split also. do 151 m=1,meqn do 150 i = 1, mx+1 amdq(i,m) = amdq(i,m) + cqxx(i,m) apdq(i,m) = apdq(i,m) - cqxx(i,m) 150 continue 151 continue end if c c c # modify G fluxes for transverse propagation c c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going: call rpt2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2,aux3, & 1,amdq,bmasdq,bpasdq) c c # modify flux below and above by B^- A^- Delta q and B^+ A^- Delta q: do 161 m=1,meqn do 160 i = 1, mx+1 gadd(i-1,m,1) = gadd(i-1,m,1) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bmasdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2) = gadd(i-1,m,2) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bpasdq(i,m) 160 continue 161 continue c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going: call rpt2(ixy,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2,aux3, & 2,apdq,bmasdq,bpasdq) c c # modify flux below and above by B^- A^+ Delta q and B^+ A^+ Delta q: do 181 m=1,meqn do 180 i = 1, mx+1 gadd(i,m,1) = gadd(i,m,1) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bmasdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,2) = gadd(i,m,2) - & 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1) * bpasdq(i,m) 180 continue 181 continue c 999 continue return end subroutine flux3_extra (ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy,dtdz,aux1,aux2,aux3,maux, & method,mthlim,qadd,fadd,gadd,hadd,cfl1d, & wave,s,amdq,apdq,cqxx, & bmamdq,bmapdq,bpamdq,bpapdq, & cmamdq,cmapdq,cpamdq,cpapdq, & cmamdq2,cmapdq2,cpamdq2,cpapdq2, & bmcqxxp,bpcqxxp,bmcqxxm,bpcqxxm, & cmcqxxp,cpcqxxp,cmcqxxm,cpcqxxm, & bmcmamdq,bmcmapdq,bpcmamdq,bpcmapdq, & bmcpamdq,bmcpapdq,bpcpamdq,bpcpapdq, & rpn3,rpt3,rptt3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FLUX3_EXTRA is another version of FLUX3. c c Discussion: c c # Compute the modification to fluxes f, g and h that are generated by c # all interfaces along a 1D slice of the 3D grid. c # ixyz = 1 if it is a slice in x c # 2 if it is a slice in y c # 3 if it is a slice in z c # This value is passed into the Riemann solvers. The flux modifications c # go into the arrays fadd, gadd and hadd. The notation is written c # assuming we are solving along a 1D slice in the x-direction. c c # fadd(i,.) modifies F to the left of cell i c # gadd(i,.,1,slice) modifies G below cell i (in the z-direction) c # gadd(i,.,2,slice) modifies G above cell i c # The G flux in the surrounding slices may c # also be updated. c # slice = -1 The slice below in y-direction c # slice = 0 The slice used in the 2D method c # slice = 1 The slice above in y-direction c # hadd(i,.,1,slice) modifies H below cell i (in the y-direction) c # hadd(i,.,2,slice) modifies H above cell i c # The H flux in the surrounding slices may c # also be updated. c # slice = -1 The slice below in z-direction c # slice = 0 The slice used in the 2D method c # slice = 1 The slice above in z-direction c # c # The method used is specified by method(2) and method(3): c c method(2) = 1 No correction waves c = 2 if second order correction terms are to be added, with c a flux limiter as specified by mthlim. No transverse c propagation of these waves. c c method(3) specify how the transverse wave propagation c of the increment wave and the correction wave are performed. c Note that method(3) is given by a two digit number, in c contrast to what is the case for claw2. It is convenient c to define the scheme using the pair (method(2),method(3)). c c method(3) < 0 Gives dimensional splitting using Godunov c splitting, i.e. formally first order c accurate. c 0 Gives the Donor cell method. No transverse c propagation of neither the increment wave c nor the correction wave. c = 10 Transverse propagation of the increment wave c as in 2D. Note that method (2,10) is c unconditionally unstable. c = 11 Corner transport upwind of the increment c wave. Note that method (2,11) also is c unconditionally unstable. c = 20 Both the increment wave and the correction c wave propagate as in the 2D case. Only to c be used with method(2) = 2. c = 21 Corner transport upwind of the increment wave, c and the correction wave propagates as in 2D. c Only to be used with method(2) = 2. c = 22 3D propagation of both the increment wave and c the correction wave. Only to be used with c method(2) = 2. c c Recommended settings: First order schemes: c (1,10) Stable for CFL < 1/2 c (1,11) Stable for CFL < 1 c Second order schemes: c (2,20) Stable for CFL < 1/2 c (2,22) Stable for CFL < 1 c c WARNING! The schemes (2,10), (2,11) are unconditionally c unstable. c c c Note that if method(6)=1 then the capa array comes into the second c order correction terms, and is already included in dtdx1d: c If ixyz = 1 then c dtdx1d(i) = dt/dx if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dx*capa(i,jcom,kcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixyz = 2 then c dtdx1d(j) = dt/dy if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dy*capa(icom,j,kcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixyz = 3 then c dtdx1d(k) = dt/dz if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dz*capa(icom,jcom,k)) if method(6) = 1 c c Notation: c The jump in q (q1d(i,:)-q1d(i-1,:)) is split by rpn3 into c amdq = the left-going flux difference A^- Delta q c apdq = the right-going flux difference A^+ Delta q c Each of these is split by rpt3 into c bmasdq = the down-going transverse flux difference B^- A^* Delta q c bpasdq = the up-going transverse flux difference B^+ A^* Delta q c where A^* represents either A^- or A^+. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external rpn3,rpt3, rptt3 dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension qadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension fadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) dimension hadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) c dimension cmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension cmamdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmapdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpamdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpapdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bmcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bmcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bpcmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) logical limit common/comxyt/dtcom,dxcom,dycom,dzcom,tcom,icom,jcom,kcom limit = .false. do 5 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .gt. 0) limit = .true. 5 continue c c # initialize flux increments: c do 10 m=1,meqn do 10 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc qadd(i,m) = 0.d0 fadd(i,m) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1,-1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1, 0) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1, 1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,1,-1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,1, 0) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,1, 1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2,-1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2, 0) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2, 1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,2,-1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,2, 0) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,2, 1) = 0.d0 10 continue c c # local method parameters if (method(3) .lt. 0) then c # dimensional splitting m3 = -1 m4 = 0 else c # unsplit method m3 = method(3)/10 m4 = method(3) - 10*m3 end if c c c # solve normal Riemann problem and compute Godunov updates c c c # aux2(1-mbc,1,2) is the start of a 1d array now used by rpn3 c call rpn3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux2(1-mbc,1,2),aux2(1-mbc,1,2), & maux,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c # Set qadd for the donor-cell upwind method (Godunov) do 40 i=1,mx+1 do 40 m=1,meqn qadd(i,m) = qadd(i,m) - dtdx1d(i)*apdq(i,m) qadd(i-1,m) = qadd(i-1,m) - dtdx1d(i-1)*amdq(i,m) 40 continue c c # compute maximum wave speed for checking Courant number: cfl1d = 0.d0 do 51 mw=1,mwaves do 50 i=1,mx+1 c # if s>0 use dtdx1d(i) to compute CFL, c # if s<0 use dtdx1d(i-1) to compute CFL: cfl1d = dmax1(cfl1d, dtdx1d(i)*s(i,mw), & -dtdx1d(i-1)*s(i,mw)) 50 continue 51 continue c if (method(2).eq.1) go to 130 c c c # modify F fluxes for second order q_{xx} correction terms: c # F fluxes are in normal, or x-like, direction c c c # apply limiter to waves: if (limit) call limiter(maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,wave,s,mthlim) c do 120 i = 2-mbc,mx+mbc c c # For correction terms below, need average of dtdx in cell c # i-1 and i. Compute these and overwrite dtdx1d: c dtdx1d(i-1) = 0.5d0 * (dtdx1d(i-1) + dtdx1d(i)) c do 120 m=1,meqn cqxx(i,m) = 0.d0 do 119 mw=1,mwaves cqxx(i,m) = cqxx(i,m) + 0.5d0 * dabs(s(i,mw)) & * (1.d0 - dabs(s(i,mw))*dtdx1d(i-1)) * wave(i,m,mw) 119 continue fadd(i,m) = fadd(i,m) + cqxx(i,m) 120 continue c 130 continue c if (m3 .le. 0) return !! no transverse propagation c c c # TRANSVERSE PROPAGATION c c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,amdq,bmamdq,bpamdq) c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,apdq,bmapdq,bpapdq) c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the z-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,amdq,cmamdq,cpamdq) c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,apdq,cmapdq,cpapdq) c c # Split the correction wave into transverse propagating waves c # in the y-direction and z-direction. c if (m3.eq.2) then if (maux > 0) then c # The corrections cqxx affect both cell i-1 to left and cell i c # to right of interface. Transverse splitting will affect c # fluxes on both sides. c # If there are aux arrays, then we must split cqxx twice in c # each transverse direction, once with imp=1 and once with imp=2: c # imp = 1 or 2 is used to indicate whether we are propagating c # amdq or apdq, i.e. cqxxm or cqxxp c # in the y-like direction with imp=1 call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,1,cqxx,bmcqxxm,bpcqxxm) c # in the y-like direction with imp=2 call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,2,cqxx,bmcqxxp,bpcqxxp) c # in the z-like direction with imp=1 call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2, aux3,maux,1,cqxx,cmcqxxm,cpcqxxm) c # in the z-like direction with imp=2 call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,2,cqxx,cmcqxxp,cpcqxxp) else c # aux arrays aren't being used, so we only need to split c # cqxx once in each transverse direction and the same result can c # presumably be used to left and right. c # Set imp = 0 since this shouldn't be needed in rpt3 in this case. c # in the y-like direction call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,0,cqxx,bmcqxxm,bpcqxxm) c # in the z-like direction call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,0,cqxx,cmcqxxm,cpcqxxm) c # use the same splitting to left and right: do m = 1,meqn do i = 0,mx+2 bmcqxxp(i,m) = bmcqxxm(i,m) bpcqxxp(i,m) = bpcqxxm(i,m) cmcqxxp(i,m) = cmcqxxm(i,m) cpcqxxp(i,m) = cpcqxxm(i,m) enddo enddo end if end if c c c # modify G fluxes in the y-like direction c c c # If the correction wave also propagates in a 3D sense, incorporate c # cpcqxx,... into cmamdq, cpamdq, ... so that it is split also. c if(m4 .eq. 1)then do 145 m = 1, meqn do 145 i = 0, mx+2 cpapdq2(i,m) = cpapdq(i,m) cpamdq2(i,m) = cpamdq(i,m) cmapdq2(i,m) = cmapdq(i,m) cmamdq2(i,m) = cmamdq(i,m) 145 continue else if(m4 .eq. 2)then do 146 m = 1, meqn do 146 i = 0, mx+2 cpapdq2(i,m) = cpapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*cpcqxxp(i,m) cpamdq2(i,m) = cpamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*cpcqxxm(i,m) cmapdq2(i,m) = cmapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*cmcqxxp(i,m) cmamdq2(i,m) = cmamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*cmcqxxm(i,m) 146 continue end if c c # The transverse flux differences in the z-direction are split c # into waves propagating in the y-direction. If m4 = 2, c # then the transverse propagating correction waves in the z-direction c # are also split. This yields terms of the form BCAu_{xzy} and c # BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,2,cpapdq2,bmcpapdq,bpcpapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,2,cpamdq2,bmcpamdq,bpcpamdq) call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,1,cmapdq2,bmcmapdq,bpcmapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,1,cmamdq2,bmcmamdq,bpcmamdq) end if c c c # The updates for G fluxes : c c do 180 m=1,meqn do 180 i = 1, mx+1 c c # Transverse propagation of the increment waves c # between cells sharing interfaces, i.e. the 2D approach. c # Yields BAu_{xy}. c gadd(i-1,m,1,0) = gadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bmamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2,0) = gadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bpamdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,0) = gadd(i,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bmapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,2,0) = gadd(i,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bpapdq(i,m) c c # Transverse propagation of the increment wave (and the c # correction wave if m4=2) between cells c # only having a corner or edge in common. Yields terms of the c # BCAu_{xzy} and BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then c gadd(i,m,2,0) = gadd(i,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bpcpapdq(i,m) - bpcmapdq(i,m)) gadd(i,m,1,0) = gadd(i,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bmcpapdq(i,m) - bmcmapdq(i,m)) gadd(i,m,2,1) = gadd(i,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcpapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,1) = gadd(i,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcpapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,2,-1) = gadd(i,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcmapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,-1) = gadd(i,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcmapdq(i,m) c gadd(i-1,m,2,0) = gadd(i-1,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bpcpamdq(i,m) - bpcmamdq(i,m)) gadd(i-1,m,1,0) = gadd(i-1,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bmcpamdq(i,m) - bmcmamdq(i,m)) gadd(i-1,m,2,1) = gadd(i-1,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcpamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,1,1) = gadd(i-1,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcpamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2,-1) = gadd(i-1,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcmamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,1,-1) = gadd(i-1,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcmamdq(i,m) c end if c c # Transverse propagation of the correction wave between c # cells sharing faces. This gives BAAu_{xxy}. c if( go to 180 gadd(i,m,2,0) = gadd(i,m,2,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*bpcqxxp(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,0) = gadd(i,m,1,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*bmcqxxp(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2,0) = gadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*bpcqxxm(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,1,0) = gadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*bmcqxxm(i,m) c 180 continue c c c c # modify H fluxes in the z-like direction c c c # If the correction wave also propagates in a 3D sense, incorporate c # cqxx into bmamdq, bpamdq, ... so that is is split also. c if(m4 .eq. 2)then do 155 m = 1, meqn do 155 i = 0, mx+2 bpapdq(i,m) = bpapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*bpcqxxp(i,m) bpamdq(i,m) = bpamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*bpcqxxm(i,m) bmapdq(i,m) = bmapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*bmcqxxp(i,m) bmamdq(i,m) = bmamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*bmcqxxm(i,m) 155 continue end if c c # The transverse flux differences in the y-direction are split c # into waves propagating in the z-direction. If m4 = 2, c # then the transverse propagating correction waves in the y-direction c # are also split. This yields terms of the form BCAu_{xzy} and c # BCAAu_{xxzy}. c c # note that the output to rptt3 below should logically be named c # cmbsasdq and cpbsasdq rather than bmcsasdq and bpcsasdq, but c # we are re-using the previous storage rather than requiring new arrays. c if( )then call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,2,bpapdq,bmcpapdq,bpcpapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,2,bpamdq,bmcpamdq,bpcpamdq) call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,1,bmapdq,bmcmapdq,bpcmapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,1,bmamdq,bmcmamdq,bpcmamdq) end if c c c # The updates for H fluxes : c c do 200 m=1,meqn do 200 i = 1, mx+1 c c # Transverse propagation of the increment waves c # between cells sharing interfaces, i.e. the 2D approach. c # Yields CAu_{xy}. c hadd(i-1,m,1,0) = hadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cmamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,2,0) = hadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cpamdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,0) = hadd(i,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cmapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,2,0) = hadd(i,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cpapdq(i,m) c c # Transverse propagation of the increment wave (and the c # correction wave if m4=2) between cells c # only having a corner or edge in common. Yields terms of the c # CBAu_{xzy} and CBAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then c hadd(i,m,2,0) = hadd(i,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bpcpapdq(i,m) - bpcmapdq(i,m)) hadd(i,m,1,0) = hadd(i,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bmcpapdq(i,m) - bmcmapdq(i,m)) hadd(i,m,2,1) = hadd(i,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcpapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,1) = hadd(i,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcpapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,2,-1) = hadd(i,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcmapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,-1) = hadd(i,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcmapdq(i,m) c hadd(i-1,m,2,0) = hadd(i-1,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bpcpamdq(i,m) - bpcmamdq(i,m)) hadd(i-1,m,1,0) = hadd(i-1,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bmcpamdq(i,m) - bmcmamdq(i,m)) hadd(i-1,m,2,1) = hadd(i-1,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcpamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,1,1) = hadd(i-1,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcpamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,2,-1) = hadd(i-1,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcmamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,1,-1) = hadd(i-1,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcmamdq(i,m) c end if c c # Transverse propagation of the correction wave between c # cells sharing faces. This gives CAAu_{xxy}. c if( go to 200 hadd(i,m,2,0) = hadd(i,m,2,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*cpcqxxp(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,0) = hadd(i,m,1,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*cmcqxxp(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,2,0) = hadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*cpcqxxm(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,1,0) = hadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*cmcqxxm(i,m) c 200 continue c return end subroutine flux3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy,dtdz,aux1,aux2,aux3,maux, & method,mthlim,qadd,fadd,gadd,hadd,cfl1d, & wave,s,amdq,apdq,cqxx, & bmamdq,bmapdq,bpamdq,bpapdq, & cmamdq,cmapdq,cpamdq,cpapdq, & cmamdq2,cmapdq2,cpamdq2,cpapdq2, & bmcqxxp,bpcqxxp,bmcqxxm,bpcqxxm, & cmcqxxp,cpcqxxp,cmcqxxm,cpcqxxm, & bmcmamdq,bmcmapdq,bpcmamdq,bpcmapdq, & bmcpamdq,bmcpapdq,bpcpamdq,bpcpapdq, & rpn3,rpt3,rptt3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FLUX3 computes modified fluxes F, G and H along a 1D slice of the 3D grid. c c Discussion: c c # Compute the modification to fluxes f, g and h that are generated by c # all interfaces along a 1D slice of the 3D grid. c # ixyz = 1 if it is a slice in x c # 2 if it is a slice in y c # 3 if it is a slice in z c # This value is passed into the Riemann solvers. The flux modifications c # go into the arrays fadd, gadd and hadd. The notation is written c # assuming we are solving along a 1D slice in the x-direction. c c # fadd(i,.) modifies F to the left of cell i c # gadd(i,.,1,slice) modifies G below cell i (in the z-direction) c # gadd(i,.,2,slice) modifies G above cell i c # The G flux in the surrounding slices may c # also be updated. c # slice = -1 The slice below in y-direction c # slice = 0 The slice used in the 2D method c # slice = 1 The slice above in y-direction c # hadd(i,.,1,slice) modifies H below cell i (in the y-direction) c # hadd(i,.,2,slice) modifies H above cell i c # The H flux in the surrounding slices may c # also be updated. c # slice = -1 The slice below in z-direction c # slice = 0 The slice used in the 2D method c # slice = 1 The slice above in z-direction c # c # The method used is specified by method(2) and method(3): c c method(2) = 1 No correction waves c = 2 if second order correction terms are to be added, with c a flux limiter as specified by mthlim. No transverse c propagation of these waves. c c method(3) specify how the transverse wave propagation c of the increment wave and the correction wave are performed. c Note that method(3) is given by a two digit number, in c contrast to what is the case for claw2. It is convenient c to define the scheme using the pair (method(2),method(3)). c c method(3) < 0 Gives dimensional splitting using Godunov c splitting, i.e. formally first order c accurate. c 0 Gives the Donor cell method. No transverse c propagation of neither the increment wave c nor the correction wave. c = 10 Transverse propagation of the increment wave c as in 2D. Note that method (2,10) is c unconditionally unstable. c = 11 Corner transport upwind of the increment c wave. Note that method (2,11) also is c unconditionally unstable. c = 20 Both the increment wave and the correction c wave propagate as in the 2D case. Only to c be used with method(2) = 2. c = 21 Corner transport upwind of the increment wave, c and the correction wave propagates as in 2D. c Only to be used with method(2) = 2. c = 22 3D propagation of both the increment wave and c the correction wave. Only to be used with c method(2) = 2. c c Recommended settings: First order schemes: c (1,10) Stable for CFL < 1/2 c (1,11) Stable for CFL < 1 c Second order schemes: c (2,20) Stable for CFL < 1/2 c (2,22) Stable for CFL < 1 c c WARNING! The schemes (2,10), (2,11) are unconditionally c unstable. c c Note that if method(6)=1 then the capa array comes into the second c order correction terms, and is already included in dtdx1d: c If ixyz = 1 then c dtdx1d(i) = dt/dx if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dx*capa(i,jcom,kcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixyz = 2 then c dtdx1d(j) = dt/dy if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dy*capa(icom,j,kcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixyz = 3 then c dtdx1d(k) = dt/dz if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dz*capa(icom,jcom,k)) if method(6) = 1 c c Notation: c The jump in q (q1d(i,:)-q1d(i-1,:)) is split by rpn3 into c amdq = the left-going flux difference A^- Delta q c apdq = the right-going flux difference A^+ Delta q c Each of these is split by rpt3 into c bmasdq = the down-going transverse flux difference B^- A^* Delta q c bpasdq = the up-going transverse flux difference B^+ A^* Delta q c where A^* represents either A^- or A^+. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external rpn3,rpt3, rptt3 dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension qadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension fadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) dimension hadd(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) c dimension cmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension cmamdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmapdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpamdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpapdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bmcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpcqxxm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bmcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpcqxxp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bpcmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) logical limit, diff_flag common/comxyt/dtcom,dxcom,dycom,dzcom,tcom,icom,jcom,kcom common /step3_debug_common/ diff_flag limit = .false. do 5 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .gt. 0) limit = .true. 5 continue c c # initialize flux increments: c do 10 m=1,meqn do 10 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc qadd(i,m) = 0.d0 fadd(i,m) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1,-1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1, 0) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,1, 1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,1,-1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,1, 0) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,1, 1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2,-1) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2, 0) = 0.d0 gadd(i,m,2, 1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,2,-1) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,2, 0) = 0.d0 hadd(i,m,2, 1) = 0.d0 10 continue c c # local method parameters c 6/3/02 : included check for negative method(3) (dimensional splitting) if (method(3) < 0) then m3 = -1 m4 = 0 else m3 = method(3)/10 m4 = method(3) - 10*m3 end if c c # solve Riemann problem at each interface and compute Godunov flux F0 c call rpn3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux2(1-mbc,1,2),aux2(1-mbc,1,2), & maux,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c # Set qadd for the donor-cell upwind method (Godunov) do 40 i=1,mx+1 do 40 m=1,meqn qadd(i,m) = qadd(i,m) - dtdx1d(i)*apdq(i,m) qadd(i-1,m) = qadd(i-1,m) - dtdx1d(i-1)*amdq(i,m) 40 continue c c # compute maximum wave speed for checking Courant number: cfl1d = 0.d0 do 51 mw=1,mwaves do 50 i=1,mx+1 c # if s>0 use dtdx1d(i) to compute CFL, c # if s<0 use dtdx1d(i-1) to compute CFL: cfl1d = dmax1(cfl1d, dtdx1d(i)*s(i,mw), & -dtdx1d(i-1)*s(i,mw)) 50 continue 51 continue c if (method(2).eq.1) go to 130 c c # modify F fluxes for second order q_{xx} correction terms: c c # apply limiter to waves: if (limit) call limiter(maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,wave,s,mthlim) c do 120 i = 1, mx+1 c c # For correction terms below, need average of dtdx in cell c # i-1 and i. Compute these and overwrite dtdx1d: c dtdx1d(i-1) = 0.5d0 * (dtdx1d(i-1) + dtdx1d(i)) c do 120 m=1,meqn cqxx(i,m) = 0.d0 do 119 mw=1,mwaves cqxx(i,m) = cqxx(i,m) + 0.5d0 * dabs(s(i,mw)) & * (1.d0 - dabs(s(i,mw))*dtdx1d(i-1)) * wave(i,m,mw) 119 continue fadd(i,m) = fadd(i,m) + cqxx(i,m) 120 continue c 130 continue c if (m3 <= 0) return !! no transverse propagation c c # modify G fluxes for transverse propagation c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,amdq,bmamdq,bpamdq) c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,apdq,bmapdq,bpapdq) c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the z-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,amdq,cmamdq,cpamdq) c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,apdq,cmapdq,cpapdq) c c # Split the correction wave into transverse propagating waves c # in the y-direction and z-direction. c if (m3.eq.2) then if (maux > 0) then !! DAC : icoor == 2 or 3 : indicates we are propagating in y or z !! direction !! Left of cell i, in the y direction call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,1,cqxx,bmcqxxm,bpcqxxm) !! Cell i, in the y direction call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,2,cqxx,bmcqxxp,bpcqxxp) !! Left of cell i, in the z direction call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2, aux3,maux,1,cqxx,cmcqxxm,cpcqxxm) !! Cell i, in the z direction. call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,2,cqxx,cmcqxxp,cpcqxxp) else !! aux arrays aren't being used, so we set imp = 0 call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,0,cqxx,bmcqxxm,bpcqxxm) call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,maux,0,cqxx,cmcqxxm,cpcqxxm) do m = 1,meqn do i = 0,mx+2 bmcqxxp(i,m) = bmcqxxm(i,m) bpcqxxp(i,m) = bpcqxxm(i,m) cmcqxxp(i,m) = cmcqxxm(i,m) cpcqxxp(i,m) = cpcqxxm(i,m) enddo enddo end if end if c c # If the correction wave also propagates in a 3D sense, incorporate c # cpcqxx,... into cmamdq, cpamdq, ... so that it is split also. c if(m4 .eq. 1)then do 145 m = 1, meqn do 145 i = 0, mx+2 cpapdq2(i,m) = cpapdq(i,m) cpamdq2(i,m) = cpamdq(i,m) cmapdq2(i,m) = cmapdq(i,m) cmamdq2(i,m) = cmamdq(i,m) 145 continue else if(m4 .eq. 2)then do 146 m = 1, meqn do 146 i = 0, mx+2 cpapdq2(i,m) = cpapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*cpcqxxp(i,m) cpamdq2(i,m) = cpamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*cpcqxxm(i,m) cmapdq2(i,m) = cmapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*cmcqxxp(i,m) cmamdq2(i,m) = cmamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*cmcqxxm(i,m) 146 continue end if c c # The transverse flux differences in the z-direction are split c # into waves propagating in the y-direction. If m4 = 2, c # then the transverse propagating correction waves in the z-direction c # are also split. This yields terms of the form BCAu_{xzy} and c # BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,2,cpapdq2,bmcpapdq,bpcpapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,2,cpamdq2,bmcpamdq,bpcpamdq) call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,1,cmapdq2,bmcmapdq,bpcmapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,1,cmamdq2,bmcmamdq,bpcmamdq) end if c c # The updates. c do 180 m=1,meqn do 180 i = 1, mx+1 c c # Transverse propagation of the increment waves c # between cells sharing interfaces, i.e. the 2D approach. c # Yields BAu_{xy}. c gadd(i-1,m,1,0) = gadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bmamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2,0) = gadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bpamdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,0) = gadd(i,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bmapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,2,0) = gadd(i,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bpapdq(i,m) c c # Transverse propagation of the increment wave (and the c # correction wave if m4=2) between cells c # only having a corner or edge in common. Yields terms of the c # BCAu_{xzy} and BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then c c DAC : 5/15/02 : Not clear why these things are being difference here if (diff_flag) then gadd(i,m,2,0) = gadd(i,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bpcpapdq(i,m) - bpcmapdq(i,m)) gadd(i,m,1,0) = gadd(i,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bmcpapdq(i,m) - bmcmapdq(i,m)) end if gadd(i,m,2,1) = gadd(i,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcpapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,1) = gadd(i,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcpapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,2,-1) = gadd(i,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcmapdq(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,-1) = gadd(i,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcmapdq(i,m) c if (diff_flag) then gadd(i-1,m,2,0) = gadd(i-1,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bpcpamdq(i,m) - bpcmamdq(i,m)) gadd(i-1,m,1,0) = gadd(i-1,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bmcpamdq(i,m) - bmcmamdq(i,m)) end if gadd(i-1,m,2,1) = gadd(i-1,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcpamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,1,1) = gadd(i-1,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcpamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2,-1) = gadd(i-1,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bpcmamdq(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,1,-1) = gadd(i-1,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * bmcmamdq(i,m) c end if c c # Transverse propagation of the correction wave between c # cells sharing faces. This gives BAAu_{xxy}. c if( go to 180 gadd(i,m,2,0) = gadd(i,m,2,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*bpcqxxp(i,m) gadd(i,m,1,0) = gadd(i,m,1,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*bmcqxxp(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,2,0) = gadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*bpcqxxm(i,m) gadd(i-1,m,1,0) = gadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*bmcqxxm(i,m) c 180 continue c c c # modify H fluxes c c # If the correction wave also propagates in a 3D sense, incorporate c # cqxx into bmamdq, bpamdq, ... so that is is split also. c if(m4 .eq. 2)then do 155 m = 1, meqn do 155 i = 0, mx+2 bpapdq(i,m) = bpapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*bpcqxxp(i,m) bpamdq(i,m) = bpamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*bpcqxxm(i,m) bmapdq(i,m) = bmapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*bmcqxxp(i,m) bmamdq(i,m) = bmamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*bmcqxxm(i,m) 155 continue end if c c # The transverse flux differences in the y-direction are split c # into waves propagating in the z-direction. If m4 = 2, c # then the transverse propagating correction waves in the y-direction c # are also split. This yields terms of the form BCAu_{xzy} and c # BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,2,bpapdq,bmcpapdq,bpcpapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,2,bpamdq,bmcpamdq,bpcpamdq) call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,2,1,bmapdq,bmcmapdq,bpcmapdq) call rptt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,aux1,aux2, & aux3,maux,1,1,bmamdq,bmcmamdq,bpcmamdq) end if c c # The updates. c do 200 m=1,meqn do 200 i = 1, mx+1 c c # Transverse propagation of the increment waves c # between cells sharing interfaces, i.e. the 2D approach. c # Yields CAu_{xy}. c hadd(i-1,m,1,0) = hadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cmamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,2,0) = hadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cpamdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,0) = hadd(i,m,1,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cmapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,2,0) = hadd(i,m,2,0) & - 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cpapdq(i,m) c c # Transverse propagation of the increment wave (and the c # correction wave if m4=2) between cells c # only having a corner or edge in common. Yields terms of the c # CBAu_{xzy} and CBAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then c if (diff_flag) then hadd(i,m,2,0) = hadd(i,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bpcpapdq(i,m) - bpcmapdq(i,m)) hadd(i,m,1,0) = hadd(i,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bmcpapdq(i,m) - bmcmapdq(i,m)) end if hadd(i,m,2,1) = hadd(i,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcpapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,1) = hadd(i,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcpapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,2,-1) = hadd(i,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcmapdq(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,-1) = hadd(i,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcmapdq(i,m) c if (diff_flag) then hadd(i-1,m,2,0) = hadd(i-1,m,2,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bpcpamdq(i,m) - bpcmamdq(i,m)) hadd(i-1,m,1,0) = hadd(i-1,m,1,0) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bmcpamdq(i,m) - bmcmamdq(i,m)) end if hadd(i-1,m,2,1) = hadd(i-1,m,2,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcpamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,1,1) = hadd(i-1,m,1,1) & - (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcpamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,2,-1) = hadd(i-1,m,2,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bpcmamdq(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,1,-1) = hadd(i-1,m,1,-1) & + (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * bmcmamdq(i,m) c end if c c # Transverse propagation of the correction wave between c # cells sharing faces. This gives CAAu_{xxy}. c if( go to 200 hadd(i,m,2,0) = hadd(i,m,2,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*cpcqxxp(i,m) hadd(i,m,1,0) = hadd(i,m,1,0) & + dtdx1d(i-1)*cmcqxxp(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,2,0) = hadd(i-1,m,2,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*cpcqxxm(i,m) hadd(i-1,m,1,0) = hadd(i-1,m,1,0) & - dtdx1d(i-1)*cmcqxxm(i,m) c 200 continue c return end function fss(s) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FSS computes fdisc at distance s between corners (xc0,yc0) and (xc1,yc1). c c Discussion: c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/fsscorn/ xc0,yc0,xc1,yc1 x = xc0 + s*(xc1-xc0) y = yc0 + s*(yc1-yc0) fss = fdisc(x,y) return end subroutine limiter(maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,wave,s,mthlim) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LIMITER applies a limiter to the waves. c c Discussion: c c # Version of December, 2002. c # Modified from the original CLAWPACK routine to eliminate calls c # to philim. Since philim was called for every wave at each cell c # interface, this was adding substantial overhead in some cases. c c # The limiter is computed by comparing the 2-norm of each wave with c # the projection of the wave from the interface to the left or c # right onto the current wave. For a linear system this would c # correspond to comparing the norms of the two waves. For a c # nonlinear problem the eigenvectors are not colinear and so the c # projection is needed to provide more limiting in the case where the c # neighboring wave has large norm but points in a different direction c # in phase space. c c # The specific limiter used in each family is determined by the c # value of the corresponding element of the array mthlim. c # Note that a different limiter may be used in each wave family. c c # dotl and dotr denote the inner product of wave with the wave to c # the left or right. The norm of the projections onto the wave are then c # given by dotl/wnorm2 and dotr/wnorm2, where wnorm2 is the 2-norm c # of wave. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension mthlim(mwaves) dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) c c do 200 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .eq. 0) go to 200 dotr = 0.d0 do 190 i = 0, mx+1 wnorm2 = 0.d0 dotl = dotr dotr = 0.d0 do 5 m=1,meqn wnorm2 = wnorm2 + wave(i,m,mw)**2 dotr = dotr + wave(i,m,mw)*wave(i+1,m,mw) 5 continue if (i.eq.0) go to 190 if (wnorm2.eq.0.d0) go to 190 c if (s(i,mw) .gt. 0.d0) then r = dotl / wnorm2 else r = dotr / wnorm2 end if c go to (10,20,30,40,50) mthlim(mw) c 10 continue c c # minmod c wlimitr = dmax1(0.d0, dmin1(1.d0, r)) go to 170 c 20 continue c c # superbee c wlimitr = dmax1(0.d0, dmin1(1.d0, 2.d0*r), dmin1(2.d0, r)) go to 170 c 30 continue c c # van Leer c wlimitr = (r + dabs(r)) / (1.d0 + dabs(r)) go to 170 c 40 continue c c # monotinized centered c c = (1.d0 + r)/2.d0 wlimitr = dmax1(0.d0, dmin1(c, 2.d0, 2.d0*r)) go to 170 c 50 continue c c # Beam-Warming c wlimitr = r go to 170 c 170 continue c c # apply limiter to waves: c do 180 m=1,meqn wave(i,m,mw) = wlimitr * wave(i,m,mw) 180 continue 190 continue 200 continue c return end subroutine limiter_second (maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,wave,s,mthlim) c*********************************************************************72 c cc LIMITER_SECOND applies a limiter to the waves. c c Discussion: c c # The limiter is computed by comparing the 2-norm of each wave with c # the projection of the wave from the interface to the left or c # right onto the current wave. For a linear system this would c # correspond to comparing the norms of the two waves. For a c # nonlinear problem the eigenvectors are not colinear and so the c # projection is needed to provide more limiting in the case where the c # neighboring wave has large norm but points in a different direction c # in phase space. c c # The specific limiter used in each family is determined by the c # value of the corresponding element of the array mthlim, as used in c # the function philim. c # Note that a different limiter may be used in each wave family. c c # dotl and dotr denote the inner product of wave with the wave to c # the left or right. The norm of the projections onto the wave are then c # given by dotl/wnorm2 and dotr/wnorm2, where wnorm2 is the 2-norm c # of wave. c c Modified: c c 07 April 2006 c c Author: c c Randy LeVeque c c Reference: c c Randy LeVeque, c Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, c Cambridge University Press, 2002. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension mthlim(mwaves) dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) c c do 50 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .eq. 0) go to 50 dotr = 0.d0 do 40 i = 0, mx+1 wnorm2 = 0.d0 dotl = dotr dotr = 0.d0 do 20 m=1,meqn wnorm2 = wnorm2 + wave(i,m,mw)**2 dotr = dotr + wave(i,m,mw)*wave(i+1,m,mw) 20 continue if (i.eq.0) go to 40 if (wnorm2.eq.0.d0) go to 40 c if (s(i,mw) .gt. 0.d0) then wlimitr = philim(wnorm2, dotl, mthlim(mw)) else wlimitr = philim(wnorm2, dotr, mthlim(mw)) end if c do 30 m=1,meqn wave(i,m,mw) = wlimitr * wave(i,m,mw) 30 continue 40 continue 50 continue c return end subroutine out1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,t,iframe) c*********************************************************************72 c cc OUT1 is an output routine for 1D. c c Discussion: c c # Write the results to the file fort.q