program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc cg_plus_test() tests cg_plus(). c c Licensing: c c This software is freely available for educational or commercial c use, but we expect that all publications describing work using c this software quote at least one of the references given below. c c Author: c c G. Liu, J. Nocedal, R. Waltz c c Reference: c c J C Gilbert, J Nocedal, c Global Convergence Properties of Conjugate Gradient Methods, c SIAM Journal on Optimization, Volume 2, pages 21-42, 1992. c c c Change the maximum size of the problem dimension here c parameter (ndim=10000) double precision x(ndim),g(ndim),d(ndim),gold(ndim),w(ndim) double precision f,eps,tlev double precision time1,time2,tottime logical finish integer iprint(2),iflag,icall,n,method,mp,lp,i integer iter,nfun common /cgdd/ mp,lp common /runinf/ iter,nfun data one/1.0D+0/ write ( *, '(a)' ) '' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'cg_plus_test()' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Fortran77 tewst' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Test cg_plus().' FINISH= .FALSE. c c Read problem input information c n = 2 method = 3 irest = 1 iprint(1) = 1 iprint(2) = 0 c c Check for correct dimension value n c if (n .lt. 0) then iflag = -3 write(*,850) go to 50 end if if (n .gt. ndim) then iflag = -3 write(*,860) go to 50 end if c c Get the initial vector x c do i=1,n x(i) = -2.0D+00 end do c c Print parameters c if (iprint(1) .ge. 0) then write (*,820) write (*,840) n, method, irest end if ICALL=0 c c This is the convergence constant c EPS= 1.0D-5 c IFLAG=0 indicates an initial entry to program IFLAG=0 c c Begin counting CPU time. c (Note: This function may not work on all operating systems.) c call timer(time1) 20 CONTINUE c c Calculate the function and gradient values here c c Rosenbrock test function call fcn(n,x,f,g) 30 CONTINUE c c Call the main optimization code c CALL CGFAM(N,X,F,G,D,GOLD,IPRINT,EPS,W, * IFLAG,IREST,METHOD,FINISH ) c c IFLAG= c 0 : successful termination c 1 : return to evaluate F and G c 2 : return with a new iterate, try termination test c -i : error c IF(IFLAG.LE.0.OR.ICALL.GT.10000) GO TO 50 IF(IFLAG.EQ.1) THEN ICALL=ICALL + 1 GO TO 20 ENDIF IF(IFLAG.EQ.2) THEN c c Termination Test. The user may replace it by some other test. However, c the parameter 'FINISH' must be set to 'TRUE' when the test is satisfied. c TLEV= EPS*(ONE + DABS(F)) I=0 40 I=I+1 IF(I.GT.N) THEN FINISH = .TRUE. GO TO 30 ENDIF IF(DABS(G(I)).GT.TLEV) THEN GO TO 30 ELSE GO TO 40 ENDIF ENDIF 50 continue c c End CPU counting c call timer(time2) c c Calculate the elapsed time c tottime = time2-time1 c c Code has terminated; print final results c if (iprint(1) then write (*,890) f write (*,900) tottime end if write ( *, '(a)' ) '' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'cg_plus_test()' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' stop c c Formatting c 820 format (//, ' Conjugate Gradient Minimization Routine', /) 840 format (/, ' n =', i6, /, * ' method =', i6,/, * ' irest =', i6,/) 850 format (/,' Error: negative N value'/) 860 format (/,' Error: N too large, increase parameter ndim'/) 890 format (/,' f(x*) =', 1pd16.8) 900 format (' It took ',1pd12.6,' CPU seconds'/) end subroutine fcn( n, x, f, g ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FCN evaluates the function. c integer n double precision x(n), f, g(n) c Rosenbrock f = 100.*((x(2) - x(1)**2)**2) + (1. - x(1))**2 g(1) = 200*(x(2) - x(1)**2)*(-2*x(1)) - 2*(1 - x(1)) g(2) = 200*(x(2) - x(1)**2) return end