Estimating High Dimensional Integrals using Sparse Grids, John Burkardt Department of Scientific Computing Florida State University Workshop on Numerical Methods for Stochastic PDE's, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, 24 September 2011. The collocation method for analyzing stochastic partial differential equations assumes that the uncertainty in the problem can be modeled using a probability density function associated with the uncertain parameters. The method can then represent the expected value of the solution, or higher moments, as integrals in a high dimensional probability space. It is not uncommon for these spaces to have dimension of 20, 50, or 100. To numerically evaluate such estimates requires a quadrature approach that can efficiently handle integrands that are smooth, but high dimensional. Product rules cannot be used for such problems, because their expense grows exponentially with the spatial dimension. However, a technique known as the sparse grid approach can produce integral estimates (and also interpolants to the solution) that are accurate and efficient over a surprisingly high range of dimensions. We will discuss the definition and implemention of sparse grids, and compare this approach to the standard Monte Carlo method, which can also produce estimates of quantities associated with stochastic processes.