SPARSE GRIDS - Extracting Information in High Dimensions John Burkardt Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics Virginia Tech The relentless development of mathematical techniques and computing power has made it possible to pose integral problems in abstract spaces of very high dimension. Approximate methods that work well in lower dimensions can become impractical, unreliable, or inefficient as the dimension is increased. Product grids, in particular, fail spectactularly in high dimensions, and yet these grids have many attractive properties. They allow us to specify particular rules in each dimension, they can be constructed to take advantage of nesting, and they can be made to have desirable exactness properties. Smolyak's sparse grid construction provides a way to retain the desirable properties of a product grid, while avoiding the catastrophic explosion in the number of points needed to define a quadrature rule. We will examine the algorithm that is used to develop a sparse grid. We will discuss the kinds of problems for which a Smolyak sparse grid can be expected to compete or outperform the Monte Carlo method and its relatives. We will discuss some software that makes it possible to use a sparse grid as though it were just another quadrature rule.